Gas Station Distortion

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The four character's stepped into view of the windows, sunlight gleaming off all the well kept vehicles of dreams. Up stepped the brunette gas mask clad man, who was clad in a leather jack, it had seen better days from the appearance of the brown leather, a white button up shirt that seemed to be part of a suit, blue classic jeans and worn out dark green high tops.

Then came into view a sickly pale man with brown eyes and sunken in face, he had the look of someone who'd seen things he can't even comprehend. The pale male appeared to be wearing a worn out grey hoodie, black glasses that framed his brown eyes quite well, blue jeans and work boots that had seen worse days then today.

Then came in a lovely brunette woman with a deranged face with cherry red lipstick smearing her lips, she was clad in a leather vest, that gave her the look of a biker, jeans and combat boots that gave off the feel of unease to any who looked at her.

Then up came a black hooded male covering his head, a crazed smile covering his lower face. Black jeans covered his lower body and red and black sneakers covered his feet, he gave off a feel of weariness and deranged being.

"Soooo, you boys and lady ready for some fun?" Screeched the black hooded male, his voice seeming scratchy

"Well, now that you say so, it could be quite the ball." Spoke the sunken faced male with a tone of dominance and distaste.

The gas mask clad man could be seen pulling out a grenade launcher from the trunk of the Pine coloured sixties vehicle.

"Is that necessary?" asked the pale man, with that same tone of dominance.

"OH HELL YES IT IS!" The crazed woman screamed. The gas mask clad man turned and spoke,

"SHUT UP! War, Famine, and Death, get the hell in line."

"Yes Sir pestilence." Spoke War, the crazed woman.

Pestilence would sigh, holding the bridge of his nose "Wouldn't be hangin' with you guys unless you were my best friends."

"Awww, he loves us." Spoke War, pulling her snub nosed pump action Remington 870 shotgun with incendiary rounds.

Pestilence would turn, holding his six round grenade launcher, Death would turn holding a black and red chainsaw, War holding her signature pump shotgun with a chrome coating and Famine with his signature wood gewehr German bolt action rifle.

"LOCK AND LOAD!" War screamed out, running at the gas station door, busting it in.

Death, Pestilence, and Famine walked casually into the gas station, weapons hanging loosely in their hands.

Once walking into the gas station, the three males saw a common sight for them, War smashing things with her elbow and lighting things on fire with incendiary rounds. The three males turned to look at the gas station owner, whom was an old male with grey hair going down to his neck, appearing to be in his eighties.

The old man screamed in terror and dread "Please don't hurt me!!!"

Famine looked at him with annoyance then turned his head back to War ruining the gas station, Death stared at the old man under his hood, his gleaming toothy smile terrorizing the old man into an even deeper fear, Pestilence looked at the man and approached him and spoke

"How about I infect you with a life threatening disease and ruin your life, or I just kill you here and now."

The older man screamed "Please no!"

With that confirmation, Pestilence picked him up by his throat, in which gas began leaking out of the canister's from his gas mask, his white eyes beginning to turn black. The man would begin to suffocate from the fumes of the gas mask, foam fuming from his mouth, his eyes going to the back of his sockets.

"Well, that was wonderful." Spoke Famine with a disdained tone.

"It quite well was." Death spoke with a surprisingly mature manner.

War would be dousing turpentine all around the gas station, humming a little tune about unicorns or whatever.

The four Horsemen would kick back open the door, leaving the building, all while Death tosses a match onto the building, causing it start alight and begin burning to the ground, the walls collapsing inwards, ruining the infrastructure, causing it to come crashing down, the four all leaving with cruel smiles planted on their faces. With that Pestilence would quote

"They threw me to the wolves, I returned leading the pack."

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