Road trip Detour

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The sun was fading down to the brim of the forest tree tops, giving very little light to see, so the vehicles all had they're high beams on to help navigate throughout the darkness of the desolate road. Then all of a sudden a tree  fell onto Pestilence's hood, crushing the engine block below it, the car would come to a screeching halt.

Pestilence would scream out in anger "What in the fucking seven pits of satan's ballsack shit head fuckin' just happened to my goddamn car!?" 

Death would slam on the brakes behind Pestilence's now wreck of a car and would hop out and talk to the angered Horseman

"Cmon, just chill out a little, look, er, we can get you a new car or something?" He spoke trying to cause the great disease of the world.

"Yeah well whoop-tee-doo! I-" He'd be cut off by a stainless steel kitchen knife being thrown at Pestilence's forehead, it missing completely.

Out came a pale white male with raven black hair and no eyelids nor lips, a lesser known myth that the horsemen knew as stupidity and hogwash.

"Ha~ Look who doesn't have a car now?~" spoke the raven haired male

"I'm going to feed your entrails to the pigs after Death's done with you." Pestilence spoke, smirking under the signature gas mask

"What can he do to m-" The raven haired was cut of by a cutting sensation to his back in a fast action.

"Fee fi fo fum, I smell the blood of a pale jack ass bum." Death spoke as he lifted the chainsaw that the pale man began to be impaled on so he lifted it high up so the action could be done in a faster rhythm then usual.

"So, anyone know who this is?" Death spoke in a satisfied tone for his slightly high toned voice.

"Not a clue, but he ain't got no eyelids for sure, and damn, that guy doesn't go in the sun often." Pestilence would speak, poking the now corpse in the stomach.

"Well, oh well, just go grab your gear from your car and we'll get you something new." Death spoke trying to pick his best friend up.

"Alright, let me grab my launcher and cases." Pestilence spoke, jogging over to the demolished classic car, grabbing things here and there, packing them into his cases and duffle bag.

With that, they drove off in Death's black mustang, all while Pestilence and Death spoke in unison.

"You are either on our side, by our side, or in our fucking way, now choose wisely."

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