Screaming Smiles

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The screeching of tires could be heard throughout the desolate highway, the roar of the engine would deafen out other sounds and would sound like a melody to a car lover. Two people could be seen leaning up against the bone white truck belonging to Famine. War would scream due to the now apparent black mustang owned by Death and Pestilence doing donut's in the parking lot near a trail.

"I can't hear a damn thing!" War screeched out

"I'd quite prefer if you hadn't screamed in my ear." Spoke Famine, tipping his head to the side to get it away from War.

"Not sorry at all sugar doll." War spoke, having a Harley Quinn like voice, causing confusion in the older, more mature Horseman.

All while Break by Three Days Grace is being blasted inside the mustang, Pestilence would tapping his thumbs on the car's leather interior and Death would be moving his head around like a bobble head in glee to the melody of the song all whilst his chaotic smile could be seen.

War would glare at the Car doing donuts and would verbally speak her opinion

"I'm kind of upset with them havin' fun without us." The psychotic Brunette spoke in anger

Famine spoke quickly after her opinion, known to her anger

"Ah yes, that's quite the predicament, yet I quite do not care about your wants and needs, War."

War began to visibly redden at the comment, beginning to get angered and upset at the insult given by Famine, as it could be seen spikes began to grow out of her spike and ribs, appearing to be metallic or bone like. With seeing that, Famine smirked and began to inhale, making himself grow in muscle mass. With that they ran at each other.

Blow for blow.

Tooth for tooth.

Famine ran at War, gripping her by the shirt and lifting her over himself, pricking himself on the spikes and tossing her head first into the ground.

War stood up and screamed in anger, a spike springing out in length and piercing Famine in the shoulder.

Famine grit his teeth and grabbed the spike, breaking it in his grip and wrenching it out of his arm, he then charged at war and tackled her.

War hit the ground with a gasp, surprised by the frontal attack and boldness by Famine scaring her.

Famine raised the spike and plunged it into her chest, he raised it up again and plunged the spike deeper into her chest, causing black blood to paint the ground and Famine's Grey hoodie.

War screamed out in agony and dug her finger's into Famine's eyes and her teeth becoming more jagged and rows of teeth beginning to form.

Famine grew tired of this fight being drawn out by War, and raised his fist and brought it down onto her head, knocking her out cold. With that simple Motion, Famine exhaled and shrunk back to his normal muscle mass and body, his hoodie covered in War's black blood. With seeing that War and Famine stopped their little tantrums, Death hit the breaks on his mustang. Pestilence hopped out and hollered to them

"So, you had a fun time?" He spoke in a sing song voice of annoyance.

"Har dee har, very funny." Famine spoke, glaring at Pestilence.

"Heh, fuck you too brotha'." Pestilence spoke, joking with his Elder Horsemen.

With that, Famine tossed War into the back of Pestilence's trunk then he hooked up the bike into the back of his truck. Then all could be seen was Death standing outside his mustang, smiling at the odd group of people he traveled with for no apparent reason, but he enjoyed the feeling of murder, robbery and just plain fun, with that he spoke.

"They asked why I had little to no friends, quality over quantity, fella's."

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