I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks. "It was..." I looked up to see Harry bouncing Richard in his arms, while Mia and Emily were attached tightly to his legs.

"They just love him, don't they?" Gemma smiled gleefully. "I don't know what I'd do without him."

My heart swelled as I watched him. His smile reached ear to ear, exposing his dimples. I watched my Mia look up at him lovingly as he tried his best to walk the two little girls across the room. Richard babbled in his arms and seemed to enjoy watching his uncle struggle.

I didn't think it was possible for someone to have so many different sides of beautiful to them. Harry had a loving side, a funny side, a caring and compassionate side, a protective side, a providing side. Each side grew more and more lovely each day, and I was falling for all of them.

"So, I hear you have an interview tomorrow." Matt's thunderous voice broke my gaze from his brother-in-law.

"Y-yeah." I could feel my stomach wanting to twist.

"Do you think she'll let you show off some of your art in her new gallery? Once she sees how good you are, there's no way she'll turn you down." Gemma chimed.

"I doubt that. She's looking for an assistant, not an amateur artist."

"I think your paintings say otherwise." Harry joined in, Richard still laying in his arms. "Just give it a little time."

"I have to get the job first!" I tried to tune out everyone's positive predictions about tomorrow because it only gave me anxiety. What if I wasn't what Annaliese was expecting and I come back empty handed once again?

"We're not trying to freak you out, honest." Gemma reassured me as she took my hand, "we just see your potential, that's all."

"And I appreciate it, but I wished we'd stop talking about it." My head hung low as anger took over my voice.

"Maybe it's time we headed home." Harry's voice was soft as he handed Richard over to Gemma. We said quick goodbyes before heading to his car.

Most of the car ride was silent being that the most talkative person was sound asleep in her car seat. My conscious ate away at me as I replayed the way I snapped at Harry and his family, I hoped that they wouldn't be upset with me.

"I'm sorry about earlier." I murmured softly. "I didn't mean to snap like that."

I noticed Harry's grip tightened on the wheel.

"I don't want you to think I'm ungrateful because I'm so thankful to you for what you did."

He remained silent.

"Harry?" but he didn't answer.

The rest of the ride resonated with silence as we made our way back to his home. Once we'd made it, I watched him carry Mia to her room and tuck her into bed. I watched him ignore my presence and stomp into his room which we were currently sharing. He slipped out of his t-shirt and jeans then slid out of his boots.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered.

That's when he finally faced me - his eyes red with sleepiness and aggravation. "Do you not believe in yourself at all?"

"Excuse me?" was all I could muster out.

"Do you not have the slightest bit of faith in yourself?"


"You're an amazing artist, Grace. One of the best I've ever seen, but for some reason, you don't see that. It frustrates me because you amaze me every day." I kept my eyes locked on him as he made his way over to me - his anger melting into compassion. "You're amazing..." He sighed against my lips, his hand cupping my cheek.

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