"You're gonna do great, Deku!" She said, giving him a thumbs up, "She's gonna love it."

Izuku laughed and tried to smile as he opened the classroom door, "I hope so," He said as he plopped himself in his chair.

So there he was: Deku nervously twiddling with his fingers and giving himself a short pep talk while he waited for class to begin. And when he did, he was definitely not excited for what was about to come. His anxiety only became worse when you entered the room. Uraraka couldn't stop squealing and giving the two of you looks, making Izuku more than just, "uncomfortable".

"So, what's Uraraka doing-?"

"Huh? Nothing. Inside joke, ahahaaa," He said nervously. Izuku gave the other girl a, "spare-me-please" look, but Uraraka continued to wiggle her eyebrows at the both of them. Creepily, might I add.

You raised your own eyebrow as you leaned closer to Izuku, still looking at Uraraka, "But she's-"

"Oh, hey! P-presentations, g-great!" He pointed to Kirishima and Kaminari setting up their poster in the front of the room. Izuku continued to spew unnecessary amount of information about what their project could be in hopes of getting you to stop asking him stuff. Although it did work, the consequences were pricey, since you gave him one of those, "okaayyyyy" looks before averting your attention to the front of the room (which, by the way, hurt his self-esteem by a bit).

Izuku didn't pay much attention to any of the projects. Although there were some interesting ones, like Mina's and Tsuyu's, he spent most of his energy running his plan through his head. He continued to twiddle with his fingers until All Might announced the two of you to come up.

Taking note of how nervous he was, you patted him on the back and gave him a thumbs up, "You'll do great, don't worry!"

Izuku only nodded as he slipped his hand into his back pack, bringing out the folder, "Y-yeah..." He said nervously as he brought his backpack to the front of the room.

You raised an eyebrow, but decided that it was best not to ask. You figured that he could have his own reasons for bringing it along.

The presentation started out as normal with the two of you introducing each of the places you two had gone to. You had your own batch of index cards written with information about each site. On the other hand, Izuku kept looking back Uraraka, who in turn, wiggled her eyebrows at him and gave him suggestive looks, which still made him uncomfortable.

"For our project, we visited the school, the park, the theater and the town square..." You were reading off one of your index card,. Although he tried concentrating on your speech, but still ending up getting distracted in the end.

Izuku attempted to remain calm, even though it wasn't really working. Oh god, what happens if I stutter? What happens if I say something wrong? What happens if I drop the index card?!

He looked at you. You were trying to speak clearly in front of the class as you told them about the rest of your poster. "And over here is..."

He began to rub the cloth of the edge of his shirt between his fingers. What should I do if she says no? She's totally out of my league and I mean it's totally possible, but, He paused for a moment.

what if she says yes?

He glanced at Uraraka this time. She looked a little worried, and mouthed, "Are you okay?" He tried smiling as his finger stretched out the rim of his collar. God, he was sweating so much.

When A Loser Falls In Love (Izuku x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now