First Sight

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Chapter One

He spotted her as soon as she came in. He had an eye for the ladies, he was well known for it in fact, and this beauty had most definitely caught his eye.

But there was something else about her that intrigued him. Beautiful women didn't come to crowded bars and sit alone, at least not in his world. Yet he had watched her as she ignored or turned away suitor after suitor. She never looked at her watch so he knew she wasn't waiting for anyone. Right now she looked like she was regretting her decision to come here, so he'd have to move fast.

He looked at the last player in the game. "So are you in or not?" he asked.

His opponent wavered, looked at his cards, which were shielded from anyone else's view, by his hand, then with a long sigh, he placed his cards face down.

"I fold."

Remy grinned. "Good choice," he said, collecting his winnings. "Now, if you fellas will excuse me, I'm going to call it a night."

"You can't do that!" "You gotta give us another chance to win our money back!" The chorus rose from the other players.

Remy grinned, "You'll get your chance, boys, just not tonight."

"Same time tomorrow?"

"I never play on a Sunday."

"Why not?"

"Because Sunday is the Lords day," he answered, deadpan. He left before they could question if he was serious or not.

She was still sitting at the bar and he took the seat next to her. "You look like you could use some company, cher." Actually she looked like her puppy had just died, but Remy knew that wasn't the best opening line.

She ignored him, just as she had done to the other men.

"Cat got your tongue? I know you can hear me."

"Go away," she snapped, looking straight ahead.

"I like it here," he answered smoothly. "The view's real nice."

"I don't want any company. Please leave me alone."

Southern manners dictated that he leave now, just as the others had done, but Remy wasn't giving up quite so easily.

"I know you're lonely, cher."

Finally she turned to face him; she looked surprised and perhaps a little frightened.

"If you come to a crowded bar on a Saturday night, you ain't looking to be alone. Plus," he pointed at the mirror behind the bar, "you keep looking at all the couples in here."

Her expression became haunted and he almost regretted his words.

"Look, mister-"

"The name's Remy LeBeau, but they call me Gambit.

"Well, Gambit, if you know what's good for you, you'll stay away from me."

"Oh, cher," he grinned. "I never did like doing what was good for me."

"I'm not like other people. I'm dangerous."

"You ain't one of them mutants, are ya?"

She looked away again. "Leave me alone."

Remy leaned closer. "Can I let you in on a little secret, cher?" He retrieved a card from his pocket.

She looked fearful at his proximity but she did turn to face him. His irises flashed red as the card glowed, and her gaze flickered between his face and the playing card.

First Sight (X-Men - Romy)Where stories live. Discover now