Chapter 3

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All of this was happening so quickly. We didn't even had time to process before we were dragged into a training area.

Did I even want to save Jason and Percy?

I didn't know them, but maybe it's the pulse of sympathy I have for JC. She hasn't had much of a family and Percy could be it. Jason... I'm not really sure.

Risking my life for family is one thing but risking my life for a complete stranger is something totally different. I knew it was selfish and I knew it was just so wrong but I have human instincts, instincts like fight or flight.

And right now I'm not up for a fight.

My breathe hitched when I felt a cold point of metal pressed against my throat,"I think you should probably pay attention, yeah?" Clarissa said menacingly, she was the true definition of "looks can be deceiving". She didn't look like much but when she's holding a blade against your throat it's a totally different story.

"S-sorry." I stuttered out, I wasn't much of a talker, I was the "quite deep creative" one of the group. Matt was obviously the leader of course, I couldn't help but sometimes wonder what'd it be like to be in charge.

I wouldn't count on it though.

"You're about to go on a treacherous journey...I hope you know that." She starts, "Demigods are probably the most misunderstood, targeted, beings on earth. Let me just tell you this now, there's no other option. It's either learn to survive or die."

Well, she's quite blunt.

"The weapon is just as good as it's owner, just because you have a blade in your hand doesn't mean you can really hurt anyone unless you actually know how to use it." She led us over to a type of shack and opened the door. The place was littered with all kinds of weapons, clubs, swords, daggers, spears, the works. "Choose your weapon wisely, cause what you choose will be your main weapon forever after this."

Matt automatically picked up a light sword, it was light and didn't look like much but a sword non the less.

I looked around the array of weapons and Kari and JC argued over what would be the appropriate weapon. As I looked around I found a heavy looking armband and picked it up, adjusting it onto my forearm. I gripped the handle and a gold metal shield appeared around it.

"I like this one." I said as I walked back to Matt who was putting away his new sword into the holster, wrapping it around his chest.

"Roman, that's actually quite the relic." Clarissa said as she sat down on a box that was printed with the sign "arrows". "It was Caesar's shield back in ancient times, won countless wars."

"Caesar?" I asked astonished,"You mean the Julius Caesar?"

"Yeah, maybe you have roman blood. The Greeks like light, affective weapons. Something that revolves around skill more. Romans were ruthless, heavy bulky destructive weapons was always the way."

I'm not I?

"Let's get to the training arena."

As we walked through the camp I observed all the lives going on here. Everyone says being a demigod is back breaking work but everyone here looked happy, making their lives as much normal as possible I suppose.

I guess I was observing too well because I just saw two camp members making out, gross.

"Welcome to the place you'll most likely die." Clarissa smiled cheerfully,"Now lesson number one." She threw a dagger straight at me and on instinct I quickly drew my shield blocking it from harming me. "Always keep your gaurd up."

I could feel my heart beating through my veins and muscles, adrenaline coursing through every part of me.

The kind of intense adrenaline that makes me want to wrestle a shark.

"Hey buddy, you okay?" Asked Matt.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?"

"You have this look in your eyes."

"Well... It's normal I guess. I almost got stabbed."

"True that."


"Had enough yet Jackson?" Leo smiles menacingly down at me, though it was all a blur I could still see the thunder in his eyes.

"Leo stop! Please! I know you're in there I know you can fight it!" Piper yelled though it seemed like a distant whimper. My senses we're fading.

I blinked back the blur in my eyes and saw Leo stumbling against the dark walls and table. "Ge-get out of my head..." Said the real Leo I presume.

"You got it Leo get us out of here!" Piper said desperately.

He stumbled over again to a switch on the wall and turned on all the lights. We were in a warehouse.

He breathes were heavy and ragged as he flipped the switch to release our deadly restrains. She ran over to Leo and comforted him while I struggled to my wobbly feet.

Piper ran over to me and grabbed my arm carefully, burns covered every inch of me, "Percy c'mon we have to go. NOW." She helped me out the doors into a maze of hallways. We ran through each one, I guess she had an idea of where to go.

"Jason and Leo were kidnapped and put under a trance by Victor."

I breathed heavily as I walked as fast as I could,"From high school?"

"Yeah.. I guess they just needed any excuse to see you hurt.." She glanced at my wounds but quickly turned away.

"Something's going on, something more than us Piper."

"What do you mean?"

"I can just feel it... Something big is about to happen..." I looked at her seriously,"And I don't think the Seven will be able to handle it.. Not on our own anyway."

"C'mon.. That's impossible.. We're invincible together." She made a series of turns but I could see the hope of finding a way out diminishing in her eyes.

"You already saw what happened to Leo and Jason, what were facing is stronger than us. We can't do this alone."

"Who should we get help from though?" Before we took the next turn we quickly moved back and hid against the wall, Piper covered my mouth to hide my screams of pain.

"It's Jason..." We looked back at each other totally clueless what to do.

I wish Annabeth was here...

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