🌹Chapter One🌹

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You looked up from your book as Mr. Wiesel yelled at you.

"You buyin' or not?" He yelled. You sighed and pulled out your money.

"50 papes," you said, sliding him the 30 cents. You shoved you papers in your bag before someone grabbed your hand and dragged you away from the line.

It was Romeo. He babied you. Everyone did because you were the youngest in the Lodge. 15 years old, the second youngest being Crutchie at almost 16.

"Are you alright?" He asked. Being yelled at by Wiesel usually meant trouble.

"He was just yellin' at me, Ro. Nothin' to freak out over," you assured him. "I was readin' this book Davey gave me this morning."

"What's with you and books anyway? Always readin' and stuff. And you wonder why wes call you Gears," he said with an eye roll.

"Have you seen Race?" You asked. "I was thinkin' of sellin' with him today because-" Romeo didn't need to hear the rest. He pointed behind you, where Race was trying to bargan with Wiesel.

"Oh c'mon, Wiesel, jus' an extra 10! I'll pay ya back tomorrow!" Race pleaded. We wasn't holding many papers. He was probably gambling last night. He was out pretty late.

"Race!" You shouted. He turned his head at the sound of his name. You tossed him another nickel. He caught it witj surprise. He gave you his usual cocky smile and handed Wiesel the nickel. Wiesel hesitantly slid him 8 more papers. Race snatched them and ran over to you.

"Thanks, [MN], you're a life saver," he said with a smile. "So I was thinkin' we could work together today? It's been a while and yous gotta have a new idea by now." You shook your head.

"I don't, but I figured we should sell in the same area while I work on some new ideas," you said with a shrug. He shruggee back.

"Okay. Let's go," he grabbed your arm and pulled you along. You stumbled to catch up.

"So Race. Where were ya last night?" You said accusingly. You and some of the boys were trying to get him to stop gambling so much.

"Yous know very well where I was last night, Gears. Use your brain," he sighed. He was silent for a moment. "Sorry."

"It's fine, Race. I was just makin' sure you weren't getting into any trouble," you said.

You pulled your arm away and your hat fell to the ground. Your [HC] bangs messily fell in your face. You turned and picked up your hat, and put it in your bag. It was one of Jack's old hats, and was much too big. You floofed around your short hair, which you were still getting used to, even after 2 months.

Race, who had stopped walking when your hat fell off, gave you an odd look. "You okay?"

You hesitantly nodded. You really weren't. You missed your family. Your longer hair, and dresses, your house, everything from your old life. But that was gone.

"I'm fine," you said. "Let's go. Where were you taking me?" Race erased the worried expression from his face, and his usual cocky smile replaced it.

"Well I's was thinkn' we could sell by that old fountain?" Race said. You remembered the place. It was where you sold on your first day. Jack had taken you there to "show you the works".

"That sounds good," you said, as the two of you started walking again. It was a bit slower paced than before, but still pretty quick. You had to beat any other newsies there.

And that's chapter one! I hope you guys like it!!! The next chapter will probably be in the perspective of a few different Newsies!

Girlsie (Racetrack x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora