Part 17

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"Oh wow that's crazy!" I said brushing it off.
"Ima beat her ass! I swear whoever she is!!!!!!" Zya yelled.

"Bitch wouldn't be able to throw hands with me even if she tried" I said to myself.
I'm just shocked that Nate had a gf and wants me. I mean it's not my fault that her nigga want me besides me and her ain't friends so I don't owe her any loyalty.
But personally I'm not Finna carry on with Nate because I see now that he is a liar and a cheater!

I sat down in my desk and jay sat beside me. We flirted and talked. We started playing iMessage games against each other and just enjoying one another.

Around Lunch time me and jay went off campus and got us subway to eat then came back to campus.
He walked me to all my classes just being a gentleman.

After school.

"I got cheerleader practice today so Ima call you when I get home" I said smiling at jay.
"Okay, I'll talk to you then sweetheart." Jay said kissing my forehead and hugged me.
Jay left campus and I headed to the gym where the girls were.

I walked in the gym.
"ALRIGHT. I know you guys are wondering why are we having practice this soon. Well Ima answer that for you!" Tori said talking to the girls as they were sitting on the floor in the gym.

Then she looked over at me as I sat down beside the other girls.

She rolled her eyes and continued talking.
"ANYWAYSS... We will be having cheer camp coming up soon for this summer and we have to be prepared for it! We are having practice on MONDAY, WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY this week. So you either BE HERE TO ALL PRACTICES FOR THIS WEEK OR YOUR NOT GOING!!"she yelled out.

Wtf is wrong with this bitch? Is she intimidated by me? At first she was just talking all calm until she seen me and she got loud. This bitch better not try me because I don't tolerate disrespect from no damn body.

"FORMATION!!!!!" Tori yelled out.

"1 and 2 and 3 and 4, .... 5 6 7..." Tori said doing her cheer.

Everybody repeated the cheer and moves she did.

"Shay you should really try HARDER!" Tori said.

"fuck you bitch!" Shay mumbled.

"WHAT YOU SAY?" Tori said.
"Fuck off Tori!" Zya yelled.

"Stupid ass bitch gone get mfn dragged." Shay yelled out.

Shit about to get real now because Tori started yelling.

"THEN DRAG ME!!!!!" Tori yelled.
"Say nomo" Shay said.
Shay ranned up on Tori and they got to scrapping.
Shay was throwing hands but Tori could fight too!

Zya was about to hit Tori and another girl grabbed her.

The girls broke up the fight. I just stood there watching because that was they fight NOT mines.
Shay got her ass beat. She can fight but she got beat up.

"Stupid bitch! This ain't over you raggedy ass jealous ass hoe!" Shay yelled.
"Your off the mfn squad!!!!!!!!!" Tori yelled out at Shay.
"Tori you can't do that!!!!!" Zya yelled.
"Zya stfu!" Gia said.

Ugh why is Gia even talking.

"Gia don't play with me because I'll rock yo ass." Zya yelled out.

Damn I was watching all these Houston girls fight. They dont fight better than the girls in Atlanta tho, we fucks shit up where I'm from.

"I'm sick of you Zya , run up hoe!" Gia said.
"Naw hoe you run up!" Zya said.

Gia ran up and Zya went to work on her ass.
Zya can fight! I see that's why she always be having Shay back because she can fight better than Shay.

Zya was punching Gia all in the mouth.
"STOP!!!" Tori yelled trying to break it up.
Soon as Tori tried to break them up Shay ranned up on Tori and they started fighting AGAIN!!!
Shay had got Tori this time. Tori broke her nail and everything.

After the principal came in the gym he made everybody go home and Tori, Gia, Zya and Shay got suspended for 3 days.

Ms. Hailey called me to the office.
"Hey Ms. Hailey" I said.
"Hey hun are you okay?" She asked.
"I'm fine it was just too much going on today at practice that I seen." I said.
"I know which is why I called you in here.. I want you to be the captain of the cheerleader team after the cheerleader camp. So in August of your senior year you will be The captain of the squad. You'll have alotta time to learn cheers. After the camp.... Tori will not longer be on the team anymore. Gia, Zya and Shay are off the team as of today." She said.
"Wow omg" I said smiling.
"I know it'll be so much fun . You have a beautiful attitude you can do it!" She said.
"Thank you so much ms Hailey." I said.
"You're welcome" she said.

Damn I hate to say it but I'm kinda happy that they fought. Lol.

I left the office and went to the gym and got my cheerleader bag.

Shay and Zya was in the getting there things.
"Sorry for seeing that wild side of ours" Zya said.
"It's fine" I said laughing.
"Yea cause that bitch was asking for it." Shay said.
"Hey Nicki what's your number? So we can hang out sometime and stuff" Zya said.

oh hell no. I can't give her my number. She'll know that my number is the number from the screenshot.

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