1- after party huh?

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Jaz's POV

'I'm so excited, I hear they hang around outside the venue so we can totally meet them!"

I try paying attention to my friend, Cat but I honestly can't help but zone out. Our whole train journey into the city all she's done is talk about the opening act for the concert tonight. We're going to see Sleeping with Sirens and I was super excited about coming with Cat but turns out she's mostly only here for some stupid opening act who I've never heard of.

"Jaz are you even listening to me?" She asks turning her attention to me and not the window.

"What? Oh sure" I reply scrolling through my phone.

"I know you're not listening to me but I know you're gonna regret it once you hear them" She smirks.

"Whatever Kit Kat" I reply calling her by her childhood nickname which I knew she hated.

She rolls her eyes and continues to stare out the window as we pass the busy streets of LA.


We arrive at the venue; way too early May I add. Cat wanted to be here in plenty of time to get near the front and we only had a few people in front of us so although I didn't care about seeing Chase Pacific or whatever they were called, I would get to see SWS up close and I was definitely happy about that.

A guy comes on the stage and does some practice runs on the drums and I feel Cat's nails dig into my upper arm causing a high squeal to leave my lips as I turn to scowl at her.

"That's Jesse! He's the drummer" She grins excitedly trying to catch his attention.

"Yeah no shit" I mumble rubbing my arm.

He notices her jumping around like an idiot and sends her a friendly wave before the rest of the group join him on stage and I try my best to ignore my embarrassment of my friend as they introduce themselves.

"Hi what's up Los Angeles! How we doing tonight?" A blonde haired boy speaks into the crowd.

The crowd cheers in reply as another boy with braids steps up to his mic staring out into the mass amounts of people.

"We are Chase Atlantic and I hope you enjoy our set" He says before a song starts playing.

I notice how their voices have a slight accent, I think it's Australian and you can even notice it when they're singing. Cat is singing every song word for word and I even recognise a few from when she played them while we got ready.

They were pretty good, I'd give it to them but I'd never admit this to Cat, all I would hear is a string of endless 'I told you so' for weeks. They were pretty cute too, I couldn't decide who I liked the most.

The crowd was feeling their music and honestly so was I but I try to play it cool unlike Cat who was jumping up and down like a maniac. The set only lasted around forty minutes and there was a break before the next act went on so even though we were at the front, Cat dragged me to the bar to get a glimpse of these boys.

There were only a couple people surrounding them and they didn't stay long so Cat marched right up when they were free and I followed her unsure if I should or not.

"I love you guys! You were awesome" She gushes as they smile sweetly at her.

"Awh thank you babe, I'm glad you enjoyed" The blonde one grins.

They talk for a few minutes and one of the boys notices me lingering next to Cat and not saying anything so he takes this as an opportunity to speak to me.

"What's your name?" He asks.

"Jaz, you?" I reply.

He seems confused I'm asking for his name, obviously assuming I'm a big fan like Cat.

"Mitchel" He nods.

His shirt is open and I take it as an opportunity to sneak a glance at his body, silently nodding to myself in approval.

"What did you think then?" He asks.

I hope he's talking about the set. I recognise him as the lead singer and I can't help but notice all the braids in his face must be annoying as he constantly plays around with them.

"It was cool yeah" I reply politely "Some good songs"

"Some?" He laughs.

"Is someone butthurt im not all up their ass?" I smirk.

This dude might be famous but no one can be spared of my dry wit.

"Ooh so not a fan then?" He smirks back.

"Nah I'm just here with her, I haven't really heard of you guys before if I'm honest" I say.

Cat is still talking to the others and she's moved on to speaking to the sax player who looks so tall in comparison to her, the heigh difference is comical.

"Well I'm going to have to change that aren't I?" He smiles cockily.

"Oh yeah?" I reply raising an eyebrow "And how you gonna do that?"

The blonde one has now joined in on this conversation while my friend takes pictures with the other two. He smiles at me and I can't help but find him quite attractive, he looks like he came out a Calvin Klein advert.

"What we talking bout here eh?" He asks in a strong Australian accent.

"Well Jaz here was telling me she's not a fan of us" He plays.

"I never said that, I said that I hadn't heard of you there's a difference" I state.

"Damn way to hurt an open wound babe" The blonde one replies.

I smile back and he introduces himself as Christian and I learn the other names as well.

"Did you at least like our set?" He asks hopeful.

He looks like a puppy, there was no way you could hurt him.

"It was very good, impressive" I reply.

"See you love us, you just don't want to admit it" Mitchel smirks as if he has me figured out.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night" I wink as I make my way over to the bar.

Cat is still preoccupied with the boys so I just get a drink for myself and as I go to pay for it, a hand reaches over and pays for me and I look up to see Mitchel, a cocky look still present on his face.

"I got it" He winks.

This kid..

"Is this your way of buying over my affection?" I ask bringing the drink to my hand.

"Not at all, just being friendly" He replies and I thank him politely.

He shifts his stance as the conversation goes silent and all I can hear is the music playing in the speaker.

"I uh also wanted to ask if you and your friend wanted to join us at the after party?" He asks getting a drink for himself too.

"After party huh?" I repeat thinking through the idea in my head.

"Sounds cool I suppose, where's it at?" I ask.

He tells me venue and it's not far from where I live so I agree to join them and to get them at the end of the concert which was starting in a few minutes. We exchange goodbyes and I drag my friend away from the boys even if she was reluctant to do so. She'll forgive me when she sees where we're heading later..

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