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We always love to hear different stories from different members of the wattpad community. Sometimes it takes a lot to talk about something important. Here are two stories by some readers of our very own. A very big thank you to these three lovely people for sharing their stories with us.


I kind of always knew I was different, I wasn’t turned on by women, and I wouldn’t look at them. I would look at guys. I had my first boyfriend behind my family’s back and I lied and said I had a girlfriend. Well I finally got tired of the charade and on New Year’s Eve I knew something had to change and when that ball dropped at midnight welcoming in 2012. I figured New Year so it’s going to be a new me.

I decided that when I got home from my friend’s house that I will tell my family, when I told them that I was gay, some excepted me and some didn’t. Yes it did bother me somewhat when some of my family wouldn’t accept me being gay. All that mattered was that my parents and sisters and friends accepted me and still loved me for me.

Well since I came out to my family I felt a huge weight lifted off me, I’ve been through a couple breakups since then but now I have a new wonderful boyfriend.



Like some people, I tried to hide from my own sexuality. I have only been accepting of it myself for a little over a year now.

My family has never really talked about the different types of sexualities that are out there in the world. I was brought up in church and it seems that no one (in my church anyway) is accepting of anything other than what the Bible says. I'm not trying to get religious here (and I do apologize if this offends anyone) but, do I believe in God and what the Bible says? Yes. Do I agree with the what a majority of people think what they read in it means? No.

One of the things that my parents said to me when I came out to them was that "a practicing homosexual cannot enter the kingdom of Heaven." If this is true then essentially everyone on earth is damned because how can a practicing liar, thief, adulterer, the list goes on get into heaven.

Back onto the subject of how I came to terms with my sexuality.

I have dated a girl before and it didn't feel right for me. It wasn't that she was mean (she wasn't at first but as time went on she became a real bitch) I just didn't feel comfortable dating her. She always was the one to make a move to kiss me and other things that couples would normally do (cuddle, hug, etc.) We never came close to having sex and never would have even if she had seemed to want too. I'm not one that "puts out" even now.

Another way that I came to terms with my being gay is that I never found girls attractive in that "certain way". Guys on the other hand I did and have for as long as I can remember. Looking back, I realize that I had always looked at guys the way that other guys look at girls.

My parents don't like the fact that am gay. They have (and are trying) to "change me." I know that I am gay and am comfortable in being so. I also have a lot of friends that support me and have told me that if anything should happen between my parents and I that I can come live with them.

If you have any questions for me, then just send me a pm.  



When I was in 5th and 6th grade, I freaked out (internally of course) because I thought there was something wrong with me because I thought girls were attractive. Moreso than boys. For the next few years I always felt like i was gross and wrong, until, I found out that I actually had gay people in my family. Before this, I didn't know what being gay was, simply because I had never heard the term before. Then I found out what it was, and that I wasn't alone. I haven't told any family yet that I'm different, but my close friends know, and internet groups of people with different sexual orientations have made me feel ok about myself.

Again, thank you.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2012 ⏰

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