The Surprise Part 0ne☝

Start from the beginning

"OK guys am going back in. Either shut your asses or come do it  yourselves," Sebastian said frustrated.

Then he stormed back inside. He stood looking at her then took off his shirt as the room was really hot. She stared at his muscular back, mouth almost drooling. She blushed and look away as he caught her staring at what was his back.

"Do you like what you see?" Sebastian asked.

"Wolf please." She retorted shakily obviously affected.

Sebastian stretched, yawned then put his hand behind his head flexing his muscles. Then he stared into her eyes.

God what the hell are they doing to me? She thought. This guy is like The Rock. His body was chiseled out. His eight packs were barking not to mention his guns. Somebody help me am about to have a heart attrack. My heart was racing like Usain Bolts at the Olympics. I had better sit. Her knees buckled and her underwear was drowning from all her juice. She sat and crossed her leg as he vagina pulsated.

Sebastian said huskily, "You are so God damn beautiful. Your face is like early morning sun kissing the Lillies on the lake. Your lips look like a rose petal. Those lips could warm a man's heart and even curl his toes just with one touch. Your eyes are like the meadows I feel as I'd I could run and free myself in them. Is your Dad Static Shock? As your  presence sends a shock to my system."

"Sebastian you were doing so fine until you drop in that corny line," Jack laughed on the other side of the line.

I will deal with that later. I'll make a necklace with his teeth. Sebastian smirked and pull the ear piece from his ears squeezed and crushed it in his pocket.

"We've lost him. Son of a bitch," Jack spat out.

The witch looked mesmerized and blushed scarlet. She pretended to be unaffected and said, "Do every girl you do that shit to faint or drop their drawers? Cause its doing nothing for me."

"Well I guess not every woman wants to be treated like a Lady some of you enjoy being treated like the bitch you are. To think  I honestly thought you were beautiful. Thought you could be that one woman I was looking for. That woman I could give and share my everything with. You know what I will not waste anymore of my time being concern for you."

As he moved off to go she sprang from the bed clinging onto his big hands. "Look am sorry I've never had anybody talk to me like that, or even cared or treated me this kindly. Everybody just think they can just order me around and go about doing their dirty ass jobs. Like I am a robot I have no mind of my own or I am not entitled to my own life."

"Maya nobody should live like that why did you stay. They are treating you like a trained dog. If I could catch the lot of them I would rip their heads from their shoulders," Sebastian ground out.

Maya felt safe and special as she stared at him. She touched his cheek, he turned and she pulled him down to her lips. As she kissed him letting out every frustration, every hurt, every betrayal and every disappointment into the kiss. A moan left her lips as Sebastian touched and played with her tongue. Their tongues raced each other then tried to overpower each other and deepening the kiss.

They stopped to catch breath and Sebastian pushed a strand of hair behind her head.

"Tell me about yourself," Sebastian said.

"There's nothing much to say. My life is a drab," she said tears filling her eyes.

"Its OK if you don't want to. I don't want to ever see you crying," he said wiping an escaped tear from  her cheek.

This is too good to be true. How could this game of throne warrior looking guy, be so caring, considerate, big but gentle and so damn sexy. I feel like I could give him my life and heart and he would of safeguard it.

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