"That's alright with me"

I finally pull away and place an arm around her back. She leans her head on my shoulder as we watch Paisley larking around with both dogs. The house is full of excited barks and Paisleys cute laughter. I don't think I have ever felt so happy with life. She's giggling away to herself and the dogs seem to be loving all the attention she is giving them.

"We have a proper little family now don't we?" Cheryl says smiling up at me.

"We do" I smile back placing a kiss on her head.


The dogs seem to have settled right back in and are now sprawled out on the floor after a very busy day with as a energetic Paisley has worn them out running around the garden all morning until it started to rain. Our friends are coming over tonight, I seen Nicola yesterday and decided that a gathering at mine and Cheryl's was more than needed; she's hardly even spoken to Sarah since we had the barbeque here the other week and of course Sarah cant say no to coming over when theres drink involved. Cheryl isn't too happy about the arrangements. She was hoping for a quiet night in but once they get here she will be fine and enjoy herself, at least that's what I'm hoping. She's leaning against me on the sofa with her legs tucked under herself and she's enjoying the feeling of me running my fingers through her hair as we sip on our first glass of wine. Paisley is sat on the rug silently looking up at the huge flat screen TV watching some cartoon garbage blasting away.

"She loves them doesn't she?" Cheryl smiles referring to Paisley and her dogs. She most defiantly does. She's sat right in-between them and as she watches the TV she's stroking both their fluffy tummies at the same time, just like me I doubt she's ever been happier.

"She does, it's her birthday soon I can't believe she's nearly three"

"It's in August, right?"

"Yeah, then in September she's starting nursery"

"God, it will be weird without her running around the house all day isn't it?"

I nod my head and take a sip of my wine. "I don't want her to grow up"

"She will always be your baby"

"True... it's going to be a crazy few months"


"We have Paisley's birthday coming up, her party, she's starting nursery and you have rehearsals for your tour starting tomorrow then from October it's going to be even more hectic with you actually on tour"

"I know" She pouts. "We will figure something out when the tour gets sooner"

"I've been thinking..."

"That's good; I've often wondered if you had a brain" Cheryl jokes.

"Oi, you're a fine one to talk!"

"I know" She admits through laughter. "Okay then queen Kimba, what have you been thinking about?"

"Well ... Paisleys having a birthday party at my parents and I was thinking that maybe you can meet my family then? You don't have to if you don't want to but I jus-"

"Don't want to? Kimberley I would love to!" She beams from ear to ear. "Are you sure its ok with you? We aren't moving too fast for you are we?"

"Of course I am, you are my girlfriend and it's not for a couple of months yet but that's not the only thing I was going to ask"

"Go on"

"Maybe you could invite your family over too? I'm sure your nieces and nephews would love the party I'm planning and I would really like to meet them ... especially your mum"

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