"I promise you that I will go get Tom, and he'll come in here and make you get out of bed." Lavender threatened causing my eyes to shoot open. I still hadn't forgotten last night, and I still hadn't figured out the proper excuse to use.

"Okay, I'm awake." I sighed sitting up in bed. My feet padded along the stone floor as I made my way to my dresser. Opening the dresser I scowled at familiar school uniform remembering exactly what it looked like in the store.

Turning around I looked to where Penelope sat on her bed doing her make up and Lavender looked to be checking her school supplies. "You two don't mind if I change in front of you right?" I questioned making sure they didn't care.

"Nope." Penelope stated while putting on baby pink lipstick. "I don't mind." Lavender answered after, not looking up from her school supplies.

I pulled my tank top over my head, but stopped short once I realized I didn't know where the dirty laundry went. "Hey? Where does the dirty laundry go?" I questioned out loud.

"Oh, just throw it all in the pile of clothes by the window. The house elves come around once a week to do laundry." Penelope answered me pointing to a pile of clothes that sat just by the window. I didn't bother asking what a 'house elf' was, and simply threw my tank top into the pile of clothes.

I quickly clasped my bra on before buttoning up the white dress shirt. I narrowed my eyes thinking between either wearing the stockings or the white socks. Stocking or socks? Stockings.

I jumped around a bit as I attempted to pull my right stocking up my leg. After what felt like ages of struggle I finally got my stocking on and moved onto my skirt. I looked at the dark grey skirt in disgust before tossing it on over my stockings. The skirt stopped just above my knees, the rest of my legs covered in the black stockings.

I slipped my feet into the ugly black school shoes while also tucking my shirt into the skirt. I glared at emerald green tie that almost seemed to be mocking me from where it sat in the drawer. I slowly turned my head to make sure Lavender, nor Penelope were watching. When I saw they weren't watching, I quickly threw the grey sweater over the dress shirt, along with the Slytherin robes going on after. I cringed at my reflection in the mirror the uniform looking way to baggy in my opinion.

"Come on you two! We've only have twenty minutes to eat now!" Lavender voiced slightly panicking as she literally booked it from the room. Penelope shook her head at Lavender before grabbing her book bag and heading out the door.

Quickly I grabbed the school supplies I had bought from Diagon Alley and gathered it all in my arms, but I faltered as I realized I forgotten to buy a book bag as well. 'I hate myself' I muttered under my breath watching as a plain brown book bag appeared on my bed.

'I've really got to stop doing this.' I told myself angrily shoving the school supplies into the book bag. Just as I was about to leave I remembered my wand and delicately placed into the pockets of my robes.

I darted out of the room not wanting to be left to far behind Penelope and Lavender. "Hey! Wait up you two!"


At breakfast I noticed Tom Riddle missing from his usual spot in between his little gang. "Tom's missing." I elbowed Penelope in her ribs. She turned from talking to another Slytherin girl to me as I absentmindedly gazed at where Tom usually sat in between his friends.

"Oh yes, sometime's he skips breakfast for the library." Penelope informed me her eyes falling onto Lestrange who was laughing --rather obnoxiously in my opinion-- at something Dolohov had said.

My attention was then directed to the one and only Albus Dumbledore who was approaching me. His eccentric robes billowed behind him as he walked. That was something I had noticed about Albus, he was by far the most spunky looking professor of the lot. That was something I admired about him, he showcased his differences. Albus Dumbledore was different and he was not afraid to show it.

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