I stopped on the side of the road to call Nicki.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Yeah, what did you need me for?" I asked him.

"Because I miss you Chris, I know I've been disrespectful and mean to you for no reason." She said.

"If you know you have been disrespectful and mean to me, why do you continue to keep doing it? Like I said, eventually I'm going to have to move on. Because I can't keep chasing after you, it gets tiring after a while." I told her.

"So what are you saying?"

"I'm not saying anything, I'm telling you that what you did to me in New Orleans really hurt me. I miss you like crazy, but I can't keep allowing a person like you to keep pushing me around and disrespect me constantly, I don't take that politely and I don't like it." I explained.

"Oh look how bold you are now...Now you choose to say something? I say something about you and you think I'm bullying you?!" She semi yelled onto the phone.

"Look, I'm tired of arguing with you. It gets us nowhere. Matter of fact, as far as I'm concerned, I don't even think there's an 'us' right now. Bye Nicki." I said, hanging up on her.

I'm tired of putting up with her shit. I can't be dealing with that kind of drama and negativity in my life.


I finally got back home In Philadelphia but before I went to my actual house, I decided to make a stop at Jasmine's to see how she was doing.

I rang her doorbell and she answered it, opening the door and I saw her beautiful face.

"Heyyy Chris, I'm glad you're back!" She hugged me tight and I smiled.

"Thanks. I'm hella tired right now, and hungry." I said, rubbing my eyes and yawning.

"Oh, you came just in time because I cooked." She said, allowing me to come in her house.

I looked around her house, seeing that it was clean and it looked really nice.

"Your house looks amazing." I complimented as she walked me to the kitchen.

"Thanks, I try to make it look nice." She said, fixing me a plate. "You can make yourself at home in the living room, just relax."

"Oh okay. What did you cook?" I asked her.

"Barbecue ribs and mac and cheese." She said, handing me my plate after a few minutes with a glass of iced tea.

"Thanks Jasmine." I said, stuffing myself like I hadn't eaten in days.

"It's no problem. I can see you were very hungry." She smiled, taking a seat next to me. "So how was your little trip?"

"It was aight." I said nonchalantly, not wanting to get into detail.

My phone lit up with a flash which I could see from my jeans' pocket, and I took out my phone seeing another text from Nicki.

I didn't even bother to open the text message because it wasn't worth reading. I found it real funny that as soon as I left New Orleans, she wanted to talk to me now after everything that she said to me and how she treated me.

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