This Will Be Fun... I think

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(Class 77-B's Classroom)

"Damn it, it's gonna take me all day to get this stain out", I groaned as I stared my stained jacket which was laying across my repaired desk.

My stained jacket was in complete contrast to the sparkling clean classroom that I was sitting in. Despite their explosive personalities, the other Ultimates were able to clean the classroom quite nicely. It was a nice little surprise. I hoped that me and my rotten luck wouldn't ruin their hard work...

Speaking of surprises, Chiaki Nanami, the Ultimate Gamer, had made the decision to sit right next to me in the back of the classroom. Well, it wasn't really her choice. She was so absorbed in her game that by the time she finally decided to pick a seat, the one next to me was the only one available. Still, she didn't seem to mind at all. Like I said before, she was one of the few that didn't treat me like I was the spawn of Satan. Besides, why would she worry about me when she could be playing her game?

I glanced over at her and noticed the game she was playing. "Wait, isn't that Gala Omega?", I mumbled softly.

Apparently it wasn't soft enough, as Chiaki quickly turned her head and stared at me with wide eyes, "You've heard of Gala Omega too, (Y/N)?"

"Y-Yeah, I used to play it as a kid. Well before GGA got washed away by that freak flood a few years ago", I scratched the back of my head.

Chiaki frowned upon hearing this, "Aw bummer", she then turned her attention back to her game, "I've never played the multiplier on Gala Omega before, so I was hoping that the three of us could all play together".

"The three of us?"

"You, me, and Hajime. The guy from the fountain, remember?", she said while not even looking at me. 

"Oh yeah, I remember now. But, it's probably for the best. Me and my luck would probably just mess it all up", I sighed.

"Hmmmmm, even if it did... I think.......", Chiaki suddenly stopped talking and instead put all her attention into the game.

 "Did she forget what she was saying halfway through?", I asked myself, "Well they don't call her the Ultimate Gamer for nothing".

Just as suddenly as she stopped, Chiaki started up again saying, "We would all still have some fun together".

My eyes widen and all I could do was just stare at her, speechless. No one had ever said something like that to me before. As a kid, no one would even want to play with me out of fear of their own well being. So to hear the Ultimate Gamer think it would be fun to play games with me was shocking, to say the least.

Before I could ask Chiaki what she meant, Yukizome cleared her throat to get the whole class's attention, "That's more like it", She giggled, "Well now that  everyone is accounted for we can finally begin!"

Mahiru raised her hand, "Um Miss Yukizome, what exactly are we beginning?"

"I'm glad that you asked! From now on I want all of us to meet for class every single day!", Yukizome said with a bright smile on her face, "Just like I did back when I attended Hope's Peak"

Gundham spoke up, "I recall being informed that students of Hope's Peak Academy are not required to attend classes. Is that not true?"

"Well that is true but that's no way to experience high school! Listen, these are the best of years of your life and I believe that they should be spent forming memories with each other. You only get to live once so why waste it hiding away and being alone when you could be bonding with new friends?", Yukizome then looked directly at me before saying, "I know getting to know people can be scary and I know that there are many uncertainties in life, but you can't spend your whole life being to afraid to truly live it! That's not a life worth living! I want you all to get the most out of life by being together. If your afraid to take the first step towards that life then let me that it with you".

I knew that the last part of her speech was thrown in for me, but I just couldn't understand. All I could think was just, why would anyone want to become friends with a walking trainwreck like me? Just being in the same room as me could be considered a health hazard. Plus I figured that the others wouldn't want to spend call together anyway. Most of us barely even got along to begin with. 

I was snapped out of thoughts when Sonia suddenly said, "I think that's a most wonderful idea! I've been wishing to experience a traditional Japanese school life ever since I arrived here at Hope's Peak! What do the rest of you think?"

"Well if Miss Sonia's gonna go to class then you can count me in", Kazuichi cheered.

"Hmmm I guess if Mahiru goes then I will", Hiyoko shrugged. 

Mahiru giggled at her friend, "Then I guess you're gonna be coming to class with me, Hiyoko. This is the perfect chance to get some models for my photos".   

"And it's the perfect chance to get all you weaklings in shape", Nekomaru stated, "I'm gonna make each and every one of you a detailed work out routine. WE'RE GONNA GET YOUR PUNY BODIES IN SHAPE IN NO TIME".

"A workout routine from Nekomaru? That sounds like fun! Alright, I'll come to classes too", Akane declared.

"And I suppose I shall bless all you mortal beings with my mere presence", Gundham chuckled, "Your thanks, while not necessary, is expected". 

"I'm already behind on my work as it is, so I'm sure going to class won't be too harmful", Ryota said.  

"Ibuki's always wanted a captive audience, so it's a win-win for the both of us teach!", Ibuki said before she began howling with laughter. 

"U-Um, i-if everyone else is going to be here t-then, I'd like to join as well. I promise I'll try my best to be a bother!", Mikan squealed.

Teruteru had a pervy grin on his face, 'With all these beauties in one room, how could I possibly say no?"

Peko just sighed, "I suppose I could take some time out of my training to attend class".

Fuyuhiko groaned before saying, "Alright fine, I'll show up. But if this ends up being a waste of my time, you're all fucking dead, you got it?!"

"All of these Ultimates are going to be in one place? And they're willing to spend time with a waste of breath such as me? I'd have to be insane to reject that offer!", Nagito laughed.

With her eyes still glued to Gala omega, Chiaki replied with, "Sure, I think it would be fun to have class with everyone".

That was the opposite of what I had predicted. I didn't think anyone, especially a bunch of high schoolers, would willingly go to optional classes. Before I knew it, I was the only one who hadn't given an answer yet. Everyone had turned to face me and were all waiting for my response.

"It would be quite lovely if you'd join us for class, (Y/N)", Sonia smiled brightly at me.

I could feel my cheeks heat up from Sonia and the others staring so I quickly looked away, "W-Well.."

Every part of me was telling myself to say no. I thought that after a few days they would all be sick of me and stop going to class. I figured they would all have a better time without my luck ruining all of their high school memories.

I began to give them my answer, 'Sorry but I-"

However, before I could finish, the Ultimate Gamer cut me off, "It would be more fun if we had everyone involved... At least that's what I think".

I looked at her briefly before giving a soft chuckle, "You know what? Sure, I guess there's no harm in giving this a shot".

Yukizome clasped her hands together and cheered, "Hurray! I promise you all that none of you will regret this! So I'll see you all first tomorrow morning for a day full of class bonding?"

"Class bonding with Ultimates, huh?", I thought to myself, "Just what exactly have I gotten myself into?"

I knew only one thing for sure, this was going to be one hell of a first-year at Hope's Peak Academy. 

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