There's A New Teacher In Town

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If I had been attending any normal school, I would've been attending class instead of taking a walk in the park near the Academy. But, at Hope's Peak, all my classes were optional. The only thing that mattered was the development of my "talent" and my results on the practical exam. Besides that, I was free to do as I please. Which was good for me, cause that meant I could avoid my classmates. They weren't exactly thrilled to be classmates with the Ultimate Unlucky Student, which was completely understandable on their part. If I was in their shoes, I would probably feel the same way. Well actually, there was one girl that enjoyed my company, but the feeling was definitely not mutual. So instead of going to class, I tended to just hang out in the park. I knew it's not the safest place for a guy like me to be, but I enjoyed the calm peaceful atmosphere. It was a breath of fresh air compared to the craziness of Hope's Peak. Though I did occasionally run into The Ultimate Lucky Student, which is never a fun time.

One day, as I was walking through the park, I noticed something that completely shocked me. Laying in front of a tree that's near me, was a crisp dollar bill. Something like that never happened to me. 

I smiled softly as I began to walk towards the dollar, "Today must be my lucky day"

As if on cue, the moment those words had left my mouth, I tripped on a tree root and fell face-first onto the ground. 

"Should have seen that coming, huh?", I thought to myself. 

I looked forward and saw that the dollar is right in front of me. Right when I was about to reach my hand towards the dollar, a sudden gust of wind blew the dollar away into the air. To make matters even worse, the dollar ended up flying right in front of Nagito Komaeda, the Ultimate Lucky Student.

Nagito looked down at the dollar and smiled, "Wow, today must be my lucky day! I'll use this to buy myself a nice, cold, refreshing drink"

I hated that guy with a burning passion. I didn't know whether it was because of his creepy smile or his creepy laugh. Maybe it was his long white hair or the fact that he was the Ultimate Lucky Student. Never mind it was definitely the latter.

After watching Nagito walk off with what should've been my dollar, I sighed, sat up, and leaned against the tree that had prevented me from obtaining that dollar. 

I would've been more upset about that whole situation, but that's just how things were supposed to go. Fortune hated me but favored Nagito. The fact that I still had hope that things would work out for me was astonishing. Most people would be trapped in a pit of despair if they were in my shoes. But, thanks to my rotten luck I was at Hope's Peak Academy. So things could've definitely been worse.

The moment that thought crossed my mind, I heard what sounded like something cracking coming from above me. I looked up and saw that a tree bench that was, conveniently, directly above me was breaking. It would most likely fall onto my head, likely giving me a concussion or maybe even worse. And with the speed of the breaking, I wouldn't be able to avoid it. 

"Oh well, things like this are to be expected I guess", I sighed as I accepted my fate.

The branch snapped off of the tree and began to quickly descend towards my head. I released one last sigh and closed my eyes, waiting for the impact. But, the impact never occurred. Instead a loud, almost booming, laugh filled the air. 

"GWAHAHAHA! That was a close one, huh?!", I heard a familiar loud and rough voice laugh. 

"No way, it can't be that guy", I said to myself.

I opened my eyes and looked up to see that the branch was caught by a huge, muscular man in a blue tracksuit. I recognized him as the Ultimate Team Manager, Nekomaru Nidia, one of my classmates.

The Unluckiest Boy Alive! (Danganronpa Despair Arc x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now