Esmerrelda's Debut! Part 1 Read all about it

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So another time long ago in the Legendary land of Zelda, Zelda was at a private school for prince's and princesses and at this school your required to wear a uniform so there would be less bullying and the only problem is she gets bullied by her older sister Esmerrelda... So here I am walking down the hall not paying attention and bump, and I fall on my butt owie, hey watch where your going nerd, oh I'm sorry Es Es Esmerrelda well if it isn't sister Zelda stand up yes mam and try not to wet yourself, yes mam, now turn around no, please just let me go you can have my lunch money! No keep it, now turn around or else.

by now Zelda was afraid of turning around, she already knew the outcome, but it was the or else that scared her the most because that could mean a lot of things like a swirly, knuckle sandwich, a punch to the stomach, or a spanking. ooh that last one terrifies me the most now.

Hello I said turn around! Oh right, now to see what panties your wearing.

You see by now Zelda would've ran squirmed or something but it was like she'd just seen Medusa and was turned to stone, to bad it was temporary as Esmerrelda, reached her hand down her sisters skirt. Wedgie yelled the girl as she yanked Zelda's panties out of her skirt revealing plain white Granny panties with heart print.

Wow Zelda what a adorable pair for a five year old! He he he, you know what screw you Esmerrelda! What was that you heard me I said screw you now fudge off! You know what I think you need to be put in your place.

So Esmerrelda took her sister to her locker and while holding her panties in one hand she put in her combination with the other and opened her locker and got a red hairbrush out then lock it back Zelda looked back in shock to see the hairbrush in her sisters hand.

Es, Es, Esmerrelda, what Zelda well I couldn't help but notice that hairbrush in your hand, you aren't going to spank me are you? Why yes I am Zelda you've been very naughty. By using foul language,What you can't spank me! And why is that? Because regardless as to whether I was naughty or not you use that type of language, and you provoked me. still even so I'm the older sister and your the younger sister and the younger sibling is always the good one or at least in this family that is, and that still doesn't excuse you of using such foul language now position yourself in my lap now! No I refuse! come on Zelda we can do this the easy way or the hard way your choice! Fine I surrender! I know I'm gonna regret this I'm glad I didn't have to go mid evil on you so now, smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack ow ow ow owie ow ow smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack back smack smack mommy smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack ow ow ow ow smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack ok ok I think I've learned my lesson Esmerrelda! no, I think a few more smacks ought a do now, smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack now stand up, now please promise me no more foul language because you are not a sailor and? Because I will get a spanking each and every time I do it and because it's also being naughty. Good girl Zelda,
Now to be continued!

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