Esmerrelda's Debut Part 2 Read all about it!

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So Esmerrelda walked me to class allthough I didn't need it, and I didn't want to be rude, or impolite and risk getting a spanking again, or a wedgie so I didn't say a word. As we made it to my class she told me to have a good day before giving me a smack on my butt my reply was I read you loud and clear sister then I proceeded through the door, leaving her all alone to fend for herself and that was the last I saw her until later that day which is a story for a later time, and so I went and sat down at a desk next to a princess named peach just in time as the teacher said ladies, and gentlemen princesses and prince's today for your first lesson you will learn how to apply makeup to the face

First use eye primer, then use a eye shadow palette then use the makeup brushes, then apply the highlighter to the inner corner of the eyes, then use the damp brush trick to get more color, then highlight the eyebrow for a defined starch then work on your crease, then apply lip gloss and then your finished! Time for lunch.

So as we filed out of class I kept thinking of ways I could get my sister back hmm wedgie, hmm maybe switch her shampoo with hair dye, maybe I could tell link on her? Yeah all of those sound good what to do what to do? So, I went to lunch, and had some sushi. while I thought some more, then I walked home and was greeted by link, I greeted him back then he asked me how my day was, but I didn't tell him about the wedgie and spanking incident instead, I replied with it was good and told him that we learned how to apply make-up and lip gloss, then I went to my room and turned on the TV and then after 30 minutes went to sleep. My sister came in later that day, and was also greeted by link she came to find me asleep, and walk over to the side of my bed, and stuck her hand down my skirt and yanked my panties sky high I woke up to a pain in my but and realized it was her, I'm up, I'm up! Good I'd like to inform you that I was gonna go see a movie,and wondered if you wanted to come and you had to wake me so rudely why? because I can well don't next time it's painful. what are you five? Shut up Esmerrelda why don't you make me baby fine kick ow oh now your gonna get it now! Tackle, wet Willie time slurps rubb a dub dub ew, you ass.

meanwhile Link hears all the bickering, and arguing so he rushes to Zelda's room, and breaks up the fight.

Ok now you two have to the count of 3 to tell me what started this conflict alright now 1, 2, 3, she kicked me, and she gave me a wedgie, and a wet Willie wait, wait, wait, one at a time
Ok you first Zelda, ok so I was fast asleep when she came into my room wondering if I wanted to go to the movies with her, and of course being the person she is she just has to give me a wedgie to wake me and I told her I didn't like it then she started calling me a baby, then I kicked her which led to her tackling me and then she gave me a wet Willie and some language I wish not to speak again, I see, and what was so bad you wish not to speak it again uh, hmm, let me think, hmm, come on Zelda we don't have all day, fine the word ass was said, Esmerrelda do you think that story is accurate? Every word of it Link, well in that case you go to your room I will be down there in a few minutes, ok Link, now as for you Zelda go get your hair brush! No way José I don't want another spanking! What are you talking about Zelda we haven't even gotten started yet I know but back at school I might've been a little naughty! How so Zelda be Pacific I well, I was using foul language and Esmerrelda spanked me for it, but in my defense she provoked me, and how is that? she gave me a wedgie, and thats all she did? Yes but you see she bullies me every single day by giving me wedgies, wet Willies, swirlies, and spankings, when I'm at school, and I'm in her presence I almost wet my pants because I'm so scared of her so please have mercy and spare me!, You know I wish I could, but you did some naughty things like of course that language, and kicking her, you can't just go around doing that to people, or talking like that etc! But since you've already been through enough I will make it quick! Now go get your hairbrush, Fine Zelda ran to the bathroom, and back wanting to hurry, and get the spanking over with she did as told and then handed the brush to Link, and positioned herself on his lap!

Now Zelda you understand why I have to do this right? yes sir! Very well then.

Link said, as he lifted up her skirt revealing plain white Granny panties with heart print, he started on her sit spots now, smack ow smack smack smack owie smack smack smack ow smack smack smack smack smack owie smack smack my sit spot's, my sit spot's cried Zelda as the spanking continued, smack smack smack smack smack smack, he then pulled her panties down revealing her pale skin, now to do your bare bottom, smack ow smack owie smack smack smack smack smack smack smack ow my butt my butt cried Zelda again, smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack owie smack smack smack

now as Link stood Zelda up, he told her that her spanking was over and to pull up her panties
And she did as told then he motioned for her to turn around, and she did as told then he reached his hand down her skirt and yanked her panties to her Head making it atomic then smacked her once pale, but now ruby red butt twice, then told her to go sit in the corner, and not to move a single muscle while he went, and handled Esmerrelda and I did as told meanwhile link went to his room and got a paddle, then walked to Esmerrelda's room to find her watching TV.

Why hello link is there something you want? Why yes Esmerrelda I came here to punish you for fighting, and bullying your baby sister! Bullying? Whatever do you mean? Well Zelda told me that every day at school you bully her, by giving her wedgies, wet willies, noogies, swirlies, and spankings. You've also been stealing her lunch money, it's gotten to the point to where when she's in your presence she almost wets her pants because she's so scared of you, is this the kind of relationship you want to have with your own sister? Yes, and no I say yes, because I want her to know who is in charge and no because I may, be bullying her but I only do that because I'm the older sibling, and older siblings bully their younger siblings it's like a way for them to express their love for them, and or bond with them if only Zelda had a younger sibling she would understand, but she doesn't. I guess I can understand where your coming from but that still doesn't excuse you fighting your younger sister, your older than she is, so you have to set the example, you know be a role model, your 16 she's 10, and so you see why I have to punish you, so now position yourself in my lap! Yes Sir, said Esmeralda as she did as she was told. Now Link lifts up the back of her school girl skirt revealing plain black frilly panties with skull print. Interesting so what are you some sort of goth? Yes I am a goth. why do you ask?, is it because of my underwear? why yes it is how did you know? Because my friends at school have been asking me that, ahh! yelled Esmerrelda. what is it Esmerrelda? Nothing you'd want to/ should know, its kind of embarrassing, just the thought makes me blush with embarrassment heck you could say it comes from my bad karma for being naughty and picking on   my younger sister you know what from now on at school I will bully her Mondays, wensdays, and Fridays., And on Tuesdays, and Thursdays I won't bully her because, those will be her days off. but anyways resume spanking so now, smack smack smack ow smack owie smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack my butt, my butt smack smack smack smack now to do the sit spots! Smack smack smack ow smack owie smack mommy smack smack smack smack my sit spots smack smack smack smack smack smack now to do your bare bottom! smack smack smack smack ow smack smack smack Jesus Christ smack smack smack smack smack smack smack ok that just about does it Esmerrelda, Link said as he stood her up and told her to pull her panties up, and then motioned for her to turn around, she did as told, then link reached his hand down her skirt yanking her panties out gaining a yelp from her then he bounced her like a yoyo for five to ten minutes then lowered her to the ground, and then made the wedgie atomic then, he smacked her twice on her butt then told her to go sit in the corner, and take a 30 minute timeout while he went and made dinner and that she was not to move a single muscle or leave the room, or her spanking was gonna start over.

To be continued!

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