57. The Calm After The Storm

Start from the beginning

"Whatever, just don't gang up on me" Heath said.

"Like you and Elton aren't gonna do it back to me" I said and he smirked at that thought.

"Oh shut your face" He said, catching the look on my face. I grinned and shrugged it off as the bell for first period went and I was able to go to English. Which I was kind of dreading, given the last conversation between Scott Sire and myself.

I didn't let it get to me and walked in, chin up and determined to not let him get the better of me.

I took my usual seat, that for the last few weeks had been to the right of Scott, David to his left. Scott was already in the class and looking like he was engrossed in something on his desk.

Assuming it was just his phone or some other form of gossip, I rolled my eyes as I sat and pulled out of notes. And out of my own sheer curiosity, I glanced over. I had expected him to at least acknowledge me but he hadn't even done that.

I raised my eyebrows in surprise.

"Shakespeare?" I asked, catching him doing the exact same thing I caught Heath doing last night.

Scott looked up at me, coughing and hiding the book.

"I'm glad you're reading it" I said and he sighed.

"Yeah, well I thought I should try understand it. But contrary to popular belief it does not get any easier the more you read it" He said and I smiled.

Oh how I wanted to ask him a million questions! But I couldn't, he'd roll his eyes and shut me down if I was curious.

"That's because you don't understand what the language at that time was like. This was written like 400 years ago, words that mean things today meant completely different things back then. And the metaphors were phenomenal, so phenomenal that our generation can't even understand them let alone appreciate them" I said and he cocked his head at me.

"You're pretty passionate about this stuff, huh?" He asked and I shrugged.

"I'm passionate about the arts, writing and stuff. Shakespeare had awful plots and I could live without them but his way of stringing along words was beautiful and that's something I'll forever be passionate about" I said and he smiled slightly at me, placing a bookmark in the book as our teacher walked into the room, effectively ending the conversation Scott and I were having.

As the class began and discussions took place, Scotty leaned over to me slightly.

"Hey, Holt" He whispered. I leaned in slightly too.

"Yeah?" I whispered back.

"Sorry about yesterday. There was a lot going on in my brain and I jumped to conclusions" He said and I smiled.

"It's fine. Heath was there to calm me down" I said and he sighed, as though he was relieved.

At what? That I wasn't mad at him? Well, there's a first for everything.

"How's your face?" He asked and I snickered, spluttering out a laugh.

"It's uh, good? I don't know, I've never been in a fist fight before" I said and he looked at me.

"I'm sorry your first was Todd" He said and I laughed.

"Apparently I messed him up pretty good. I think I should be apologising. Especially to him and his mom" I said and he shook his head.

"I have no idea what you pulled or where you pulled it from but there is a new level of respect created from this, just so you know" He said.

"How's Todd this morning? Assuming you've spoken to him" I said, knowing the two were in the same homeroom class and also sat next to each other.

"He's sore, surprised but mostly sorry" He said and I smiled at his alliteration.

"I can relate to that. I'm surprised he's at school and that he's sorry" I said and Scott laughed slightly.

"The two of you may not get along that well but even he could see what he did was undeserved on your part" He said.

"I talked this over with Heath. I want this behind us, I want to be friends with Todd even. But sweeping this under the rug doesn't mean he can go back to pushing me around, nor get off without apologising genuinely" I said.

"You know everyone knows about it now, and both of your injuries leave little to the imagination." He said.

"I didn't say everyone had to forget it, or pretend it never happened. I'm just saying I want the Boys as a group, the six of us, seven with Elton, moving past this as friends" I said and Scott nodded once.

"Also, I never asked for Elton to be in, I only ever wanted you guys to not be dicks to him" I said and Scott nodded again.

"I'm aware, so are the others. Todd was jut shocked I was okay with it. Heath never sat with us, never even dared, when him and Zane were best friends and he wasn't in the group. I'd have killed him" He said.

"I know. But for some reason you won't do anything to me" I said and he shrugged, not directly answering me.

"It does seem that way, doesn't it?" He asked, leaving me more confused than ever.

Oh what is going on in your brain Scott Sire?

Filler chapter yet again. Building up to the next big dramatic thing :)

Solt Vibes hitting me hard in this chapter, also Allie and Zane as friends :D

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