Monsters & Men

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Movie: The Avengers

"In case it's unclear. You try to escape. You so much as scratch that glass" Bruce, Tony, Nat and the two super soldiers stand in the briefing room watching as Fury talks to Loki, Fury presses a button which opens up a hatch which was underneath the cage Loki was in, Loki looks down unfazed "ant" Fury points at Loki then at the button "boot" Loki looks up smirking while looking around.

"It's an impressive cage. Not built, I think, for me" Loki says.

"Yeah, it's built for something a lot stronger then you," Fury says crossing his arms and squinting his eye, Loki laughs and looks up at the camera that sat in the corner of his cell.

"Oh, I've heard. One of them I've had the pleasure of meeting" {Y/N} and Bruce shift uncomfortably "the mindless beasts, make play, yet they are still men. How desperate are you, that you call upon such lost creatures to defend you?" Loki shakes his head and turns back to Fury.

"How desperate am I? You threaten my world with war. You steal a force you can't hope to control. You talk about peace and you kill 'cause it's fun. You've made me pretty desperate" Fury says backing away from the cell, Loki lets out a small chuckle and walks over to the glass placing his hands on it.

"It burns you, doesn't it? To come so close to having the Tesseract, to have power, unlimited power" Fury smiles and walks off.

"Well, you let me know if Real Power wants a magazine or something" with that Fury walks out of the room leaving Loki alone, he looks up at the camera again a smirk making it's way to his face and places his hands behind his back.

"Wow, ok" {Y/N} murmurs rubbing her arm, Bruce who stood beside her looks up at her.

"He really grows on you, doesn't he?" Bruce says letting out a shaky laugh, {Y/N} places her hand on his shoulder.

"Don't let him get to you" she says, Bruce nods, she then looks over to see, Steve talking to Thor.

"You mind if I run a few tests? Just to make sure your all good?" Bruce asks.

"Hm, oh yeah sure," she says following Bruce to the lab, once in the lab she sits on the table and Bruce stands behind her.

"Do you mind if I..?" she turns her head to see he was gesturing to the zip on her suit, she nods and Bruce unzips it half way he goes to place the stethoscope on her back and notices where the flesh on her right shoulder had fused with metal and a long scar on her back which seemed to not go so deep if one was looking at it and wasn't a doctor, but Bruce seemed to notice that it went deeper, he sighs quietly trying not to think of what the girl went through before she was brought to SHILED and continues his work "how do you feel? Are you coping well?"

"It's strange... being back after so many years," she says.

"What about Steve? How's it like seeing him again?"

"It's nice, I missed him. But I don't think he sees me the same as he did so many years ago."

"How do you mean?"

"Well, whether it is something to do with all this or not, I feel he sees me as a monster."

"You're not a monster," Bruce says quietly.

"But I am, I've killed countless people. All because HYDRA forced me to."

"You were brainwashed, turned to something you weren't... it doesn't make you a monster," Bruce says trying to reassure the girl.

"That's the point I am a monster, you wanna know why? I may have been brainwashed, I may not have had control over my actions, I remember bits and peices... but I knew what I was doing at those times, I remember there was this young girl about five or six, I-I-I- I killed her Bruce, I tried running but he found me, he found me and did this" she says pointing to a large scar on her back which ran down the length of her spine "call it whatever you want I don't care, but know this, I can kill anyone and I mean anyone without hesitation" {Y/N} says standing, zipping up her suit and walking out of the room.

*Time skip*

{Y/N} leans against the wall putting her head in her hands, that's when she hears footsteps approaching she looks up to see Tony walking down the hall.

"You alright?" he asks slowing to a stop in front of her, she nods.

"Yeah..." she mutters, Tony places his hand on her shoulder.

"I feel as though you don't want to talk... and that's alright, but if you need to talk just come find me and I'll be happy to listen" with that Tony walks off, {Y/N} smiles and watches him leave.

*Time skip*

"Hey, {Y/N}!" she stops walking and turns to see Steve running towards her.

"Hey" she replies, he looks at her and smiles.

"I was just looking for you, I need your help with something" she raises an eyebrow.

"Sure, what's up?" the two walk along various halls and whatnot finally ending up in front of an iron door "Uh... where are we?" she asks, Steve slides the door open and walks in either not hearing her question or ignoring it, she looks up and squints making out the words 'Secure Storage, 10-c' she quickly but quietly runs after Steve, she spots his a few feet away and jogs over to him.

"Here, I'll give you a boost" he whispers kneeling down, she looks at him then up at the ledge above.

"You want me to jump up there?" she asks, Steve looks at her and blinks, nodding slightly.

"Yeah... I mean you don-" he gets cut off by {Y/N} running towards him, he quickly stables himself and boosts her up, she lands on the catwalk with a small 'thump' tripping a bit when she lands, Steve jumps up landing next to her "you ok?" he asks.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," she says standing upright, he nods and they venture forth a few minutes later Steve stops at a steel crate and kneels down taking the lid off "oh my" Steve pulls out a weapon.

"HYDRA weapons," Steve says handing the assault rifle to her and slamming the lid back onto the create and standing up.

"Why would SHEILD have HYDRA weapons?" she asks trying to ignore the fact that the weapon she had in her hands was one that she was all too familiar with, Steve shakes his head and walks past her, she looks down at the rifle and sighs before walking after him.


~Bread 🍞

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