There ain't no me if there ain't no you

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Movie: Captain America: The First Avenger

"Ladies and gentlemen, today we take not another step towards annihilation, but the first step on the path to peace. We begin with a series of microinjections into the subject's major muscle groups. The serum infusion will cause immediate cellular change. And then to stimulate growth, the subject's will be saturated with vita-rays."

"How are you feeling?" Erskine asks walking over to {Y/N} and Steve who were about ready to be put into the capsules.

"Strange, but ok" {Y/N} says as Erskine puts a needle in her arm, he nods and turns to Steve also putting a needle in his arm.

"That wasn't so bad," Steve says.

"That was penicillin" Steve gulps as they're both put into the capsules "{Y/N}, can you hear me?" Erskine says knocking on the small window.

"Yeah!" Erskine nods and moves to Steve.

"Steven, can you hear me?"

"It's probably too late to go to the bathroom... right?" Erskine nods and walks over to Howard who stood at the reactor.

"Now, Mr Stark" Howard nods and starts to pull the lever, number by number, scream by scream.

"Steven! {Y/N}!" Erskine shouts over their screams, Agent Carter who stood near the entrance starts shouting.

"Shut it down!"

"Kill the reactor, Mr Stark!" Howard starts to pull the lever but Steve and {Y/N}'s shouts stop him.

"No! Don't! We can do this!" they both say, a few short minutes later both Steve and {Y/N} fall out of the capsules nurses and doctors there to steady them, Agent Carter quickly runs down the stairs and stops in front of {Y/N} who had started to wobble.

"How do you feel?" she asks holding {Y/N}'s face between her hands.

"Uhh, ok... I guess... I'm not sure..." she replies weakly, she then falls to the ground blacking out.

*A few hours later*

"I think you got enough" {Y/N} hears Steve say, she slowly opens her eyes to see Agent Carter standing above her, Agent Carter looks towards Steve.

"Any hope of reproducing a programme is locked in both of your genetic codes," Agent Carter says referring to Steve and {Y/N} "but without Dr Erskine, it will take years" {Y/N} slowly gets up with the help of Agent Carter.

"He deserved more than this," Steve says, {Y/N} looks down to see she's in an army outfit -minus the jacket and just in a white t-shirt- as well as Steve, he looks towards her and smiles slightly in which she returns with her own smile.

"If it could only work twice, he'd be proud it was you two. HYDRA is the Nazi deep science division. Its led by Johann Schmidt. But he has much bigger ambitions" that's when Colonel Phillips walks into the room.

"HYDRA's practically a cult. They worship Schmidt, they think he's invincible" Phillips says.

"So, what are you gonna do about it?" Senator Brandit asks.

"Spoke to the president this morning. As of today, the SSR is being re-tasked."

"Colonel?" Agent Carter speaks up.

"We're taking the fight to HYDRA. Pack your bags, Agent Carter. You too, Stark" Philips says to Howard who was walking past the room with his head down and trying his hardest not to be seen. "You're both flying to London."

"Sir, if you're going after Schmidt, we want in," Steve says as {Y/N} walks over to her jacket -which was by Steve- and puts it on, Phillips turns to them.

"You're both experiments. You're going to Alamogordo."

"The serum worked through" {Y/N} says, guesting to Steve and herself.

"I asked for an army and all I got was you two. You're not enough."

"Do you wanna serve your country on the most important battlefield of the war?" Senator Brandit asks looking at them, Steve and {Y/N} both nod.

"Sir, that's all we want," Steve says.

"Then, congratulations. You two have been promoted."

*Somewhere in Italy -I don't know XD-*

"I don't know if I can do this, {Y/N}," Steve says as she helps him get dressed -I promise it isn't weird XD- she looks up at him and smiles.

"I'm sure you'll be fine," she says "I wish I could be up there with you but... you know" Steve nods in understanding "now go get 'em Cap" with that Steve walks onto the stage, a while later things start to go downhill.

"Bring back the girls!"

"Nice boots, Tinker Bell!"

"Hey, Captain! Sign this!" {Y/N} sighs quietly as Steve walks off stage.

*Mini time skip*

{Y/N} sits next to Steve on the steps the only sound is the rain hitting the muddy ground and Steve's pencil as it glides smoothly over the paper, that's when {Y/N} hears footsteps she looks up to see Agent Carter behind her, Steve doesn't look up but knows who it is as he starts talking.

"What are you doin' here?" he asks.

"Officially I'm not here at all, but that was quite the performance."

"Yeah. Uh... I had to improvise a little bit. Crowds I'm used to are usually more uh..."

"I understand you're both America's new hope?"

"Bond sales take a ten percent bump in every state we visit," Steve says finishing his drawing but still not looking up.

"Is that Senator Brandit I hear?" Steve nods.

"At least he's got us doin' this. Philips would have us stuck in a lab" {Y/N] says "even though I'm not doing much" she adds quietly.

"And these are your options?" Steve nods again "A lab rat or a dancing monkey," she says pointing towards Steve "and a nobody?" she points to {Y/N} "You two were meant for more than this, you know?" Steve and {Y/N} look at each other and Steve goes to respond but hesitates "what?"

"You know for the longest time I dreamed about coming overseas and be on the front lines. Serving my county. I finally get everything I wanted, and I'm wearing tights."

"Schmidt sent out a force to Rosano. Two hundred men went up against him and less than fifty returned. Your audience" Agent Carter points behind her "contained what was left of the one-oh-seventh" {Y/N} looks up and squints her eyes "the rest were killed or captured."

"The one-oh-seventh?" {Y/N} whispers.


"Colonel Philips?" Steve asks.

"Well, if it isn't the Star-Spangled man with a plan. And what is your plan today?" Suddenly {Y/N} gets up.

"I need the casualty list for Rosano," she says, Phillips squints his eyes.

"You don't get to give me orders."

"I just need one name. Sargent James Barnes from the hundred and seventh" Phillips turns to Agent Carter and points at her.

"You and I are gonna have a conversation later that you won't enjoy" {Y/N} looks Phillips in the eyes.

"Please tell me if he's alive, sir" {Y/N} begs as she follows him to his tent, Steve and Agent Carter tailing behind.

"I've signed more of these condolence letters today than I would care to count," Phillips says sighing and turning to her "but the name does sound familiar... I'm sorry" {Y/N} places her hand over her mouth as tears form in her {E/C} eyes, she turns to Steve and Agent Carter and quickly runs past them and outside into the pouring rain.



𝙇𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙄𝙣 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙋𝙖𝙨𝙩  ⍟𝙎𝙩𝙚𝙫𝙚 𝙍𝙤𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙓 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 [✓]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ