I Can't Lose You... Not Now

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Movie: Captain America: The First Avenger

James Montgomery Falsworth stands a few feet behind watching the train with his binoculars.

"Let's get going because they're moving like the devil" Steve nods.

"We only got a ten-second window. You miss that window, we're bugs on a windshield" Steve says.

"Wow, really reassuring, hon" {Y/N} says, Steve grins and places a kiss on her lips, as he pulls away she takes her locket off and hands it to him, they don't say anything as he places it in the pocket he had in his uniform.

"Mind the gap," Falsworth says, as Steve, {Y/N}, Bucky, and Gabe get ready to zip line onto the train.

"Better get moving, bugs!" Dum Dum Dugan says.

"Now!" Jacques Dernier shouts, one by one the four zipline down and land perfectly on the top of the train and start running down it to a opened hatch, once inside the train they all start getting shot at, {Y/N} takes the gun from her holster and shoots three of the troops that came through the door, this continues for few more minutes, {Y/N} looks over her shoulder to see James struggling with a troop, she takes the shield off her back and throws it knocking down the troop.

"I had him on the ropes," James says, as she helps him stand.

"I know," she says "but really, you didn't."

"Get down!" the two look over to see another troop with blasters appear and Steve behind him shouting for {Y/N} and James to get down, the troop shoots and {Y/N} holds up her shield but the force of the shot blasts a hole in the side of the train, James who was holding onto {Y/N} stumbles back with {Y/N} still in his grasp, Steve hits the troop with his shield too see James and {Y/N} are no longer standing where they had been before, he runs over and hears grunting coming from outside the train, he pokes his head out to see {Y/N} hanging on the side of the train with James wrapped around her torso.

"Bucky! Just hang on ok!" she shouts, she looks up to see Steve with a horrified look on his face "Steve..." she says.

"It's ok, just take my hand!" he shouts, she closes her eyes as she feels James slipping, she then opens them and looks into Steve's blue eyes smiling sadly.

"You know I love you, right?" she says, Steve nods.

"I love you, too. But I can't lose you both" he says tears freely falling down his face.

"I love so, so, so much, Steve, go kill Schmidt, for me, for Bucky" that's when everything seems to go in slow motion, {Y/N} feels James slipping slowly and her grip losing and Steve's shouts of 'I can save you! Just take my hand!' but it was too late the two siblings had lost their grip and were soon lost in the mist the only accompanying sound was those of Steve's strangled screams and sobs.

*A Few Years Later*

The {H/C} girl sits alone looking at her metal arm that glistens whenever she moves it, she didn't know what happened or how she got here, but here she was, she flexes her metal fingers that's when she hears shouting she looks up as HYDRA troops run by her cell, some of them stop and pull her out and pull her towards one of the cryo-freeze tubes, they push her in and close the door the last thing she sees is the one person she was close to... the Winter Soldier watches on no emotion shown on his face as he watches his patner go into cryogenic sleep.

*More than a few years later (???)*

Steve blinks a couple of times the hospital lights above blinding him, he groans and sits up to the sounds of a baseball game on the radio and a woman walking into the room.

"Curveball, high and outside for ball one. So, the Dodgers are tied, 4-4. And the crowd well knows that with one swing of his bat, this fellow's capable of making it a brand-new game again. Just an absolutely gorgeous day here at Ebbets Field. The Phillies have managed to tie up at 4-4. But the Dodgers have three men on. Pearson beaned Reiser in Philadelphia last month. Wouldn't the youngster like a hit here to return the favor? Pete leans in. Here's the pitch. Swung on. A line to the right. And it gets past Rizzo. Three runs will score. Reiser heads to third. Durocher's going to wave him in. Here comes the relay, but they won't get him"

"Good morning" she checks her watch "or should I say, afternoon?" Steve looks at her confused.

"Where am I?"

"You're in a recovery room in New York City."

"The Dodgers take the lead, 8-4. Oh, Dodgers! Everyone is on their feet. What a game we have here today, folks. What a game indeed" Steve squints at her.

"Where am I really?"

"I'm afraid I don't understand."

"The game, it's from May, nineteen forty-one. I know, cause I was there... with my girlfriend... and her brother" he looks down at his hands and sighs deeply before getting up and looking at the women "now, I'm gonna ask you again. Where am I?"

"Captain Rogers..." she secretly pushes a button on her watch without Steve noticing.

"Who are you?" that's when two soldiers dressed in black enter the room and Steve knocks them through the wall, he looks around and realises that he's on some kind of...set? He shakes his head and runs out of the building.

"Captain Rogers, wait! All agents, code 13! I repeat. All agents, code 13!" as Steve runs out of the building he looks around in shock when numerous SUV's circle him and a man in an eyepatch and dark clothes steps out of one of the vehicles.

"At ease, soldier! Look, I'm sorry about that little show back there, but... we thought it best to break it to you slowly" the man says.

"Break what?

"You've been asleep, Cap. For almost seventy years. You gonna be okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah."

*Time Skip*

{A/N: Steve already is part of the Avengers for the sake of story progression XD}

Steve stands pummelling a punching bag in a gym, he stops for a minute to see the glisten of {Y/N}'s locket, he goes back to punching and out of anger he knocks the bag off its chain, sending it flying across the room, that's when Fury enters.

"Trouble sleeping?" Fury asks, being careful not to say too much that would send the super soldier overboard.

"You're here with a mission, sir?" Steve asks without looking at Fury.

"I am" Steve turns "old HYDRA base... I need you, Romanoff and Barton to infiltrate the base and get some files" Fury says handing Steve a folder, he opens it and flicks through it before nodding.

"I'll do it."


End Of Captain America: The First Avenger  

~Bread 🍞

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