Standing from the bed, she held the rich black and red robe in her hand as she brushed at the tears, trying to clear her complexion as she walked slowly to Rosie's room. She had been growing difficult in the coming months leading to now, in a way she was sure that the small girl knew exactly what was happening around her, and that she was far wiser than her 6 years.

Elia knocked lightly, waiting for the small girl to pull on the door. The soft face of the young child filled her dark eyes and she gave a residue of a smile; the indigo so like her father's staring back, calculating. From the tears and knowing her father was at war, the girl froze at the sight of her mother standing there.

Elia felt her maternal instincts kick in as she dropped to her knees, embracing Rosie to her before feeling her small arms wrap around her, clinging to tightly. A bell rang in the distance, noting the stronghold of a siege but Elia didn't care, she had to comfort the small girl. "Come on, baby. Let's get you to Aegon's room."

She had been left behind like her siblings, not deemed Targaryen enough for the Mad King to send away, and now they had to suffer. Elia knew she had time, time that would buy the safety of one if not two of her children, and perhaps even all of them. Picking Rosie up, she struggled with her before dashing to Aegon's nursery, Rhaenys rushing just behind. They knew what the bell meant, but it didn't mean that they had to cower in their own home.

"Babies, I want you to listen to me very carefully okay because Momma needs to do her best to look after you." Elia started, glancing out the window to see the fiery lights of the Lannister army marching towards the castle. "Your daddy isn't going to come home okay? When he went away, he had an unfortunate accident and won't be coming back, do you understand me?" It was easier for Elia to explain it this way, to make it seem lighter than it was.

Rosie nodded but Rhae looked confused as she faced her mother, the two looking so similar. "Why won't he be coming back? Does he not like us anymore?" She asked, meeting her mother's eyes with a large doeish look. It broke Elia's heart.

"No baby, he won't be coming back because he's gone to join your aunts and uncles with the Seven Gods; he wouldn't leave you ever, he loves you three too much to do so." She said, thinking quick on her feet. She didn't want to reveal that their father died, more that he had gone away - that's what you do for kids that small, right?

"Listen to me." She began, looking to each one of her children. "Whatever happens here, I want you to run if I tell you, okay? Like a game of hide and seek." The children nodded, too young to truly understand the gravity of the situation as she stared down at them softly. They had such beautiful faces, each a mixture of Rhaegar. While one had his eyes, the other his hair, or his lips, or even his nose; each having that form of connection between the three.

She reached down, gazing lovingly at her children. "Rosie, Rhae; I want you to stay in the closet, do you hear me? Do not come out for anything unless I give you a signal, okay?" Rose nodded first, taking the hand of her younger sister. "If anything happens, wait until the room is clear and go the opposite way to they have - stay safe! Do you understand me?" The girls nodded again, neither of them understanding the breadth of it all. Elia sighed lovingly, before standing back up, leading the two to the large closet beside them.

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