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{ published: 14th october 2014 - 8th february 2015. }

written for the Pairing Up The Character Drabble Competition (week 2), Partner Competition (Round 1), December Fanfiction Scavenger Hunt Competition (femslash pairing), Greek Mythology Mega Prompt Challenge (Tyche), As Much As You Can Competition; The Year Long Story Count Competition; The Lolita Challenge (Wrist Cuffs), All Those Characters Challenge (Cho Chang), The Pokemon Journey Challenge (let's catch it!), Challenge Ticketing Challenge, The Competitions Competition & The Competitions Competition Expanded.

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ch5: Black

As much as she loved Quidditch, it wasn't the best way to start off a day...

The young Seeker glared past wet bangs as she leant low on her broom, squinting through the cascade of rain. Where was the–

"Behind you!"

Smiling, the Ravenclaw swung around, but a loud whistle quickly made her realise that she hadn't been warned of the Snitch. She flinched, braced for impact–


The rogue Bludger froze mid-flight, close to her face, black and blurry. Turning to where she'd heard the spell being cast, the witch giggled, recongising an eagle-shaped hairdo in the bleachers.

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prompts used: LunaCho; caught & blurry & "Behind you!" & It wasn't the best way to start off a day & cold & terror & swam; write about good luck; write about stopping something; write about working together.

A/N: LunaCho.

{ published: 14th october 2014 - 8th february 2015.
minor edits: 30th april 2020. }

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