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{ published: 14th october 2014 - 8th february 2015. }

written for the No-Names Drabble Competition (week 3), Harry Potter Chapter Competition (An Excess of Phlegm), Pick a Card, Any Card Challenge (King of Spades), A Variety of Prompts Challenge (writing style; location; songs), The Lolita Challenge (BABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT), As Much As You Can Competition & FanFicWriMo Challenge.

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ch3: White

She was absolutely stunning.

He couldn't help staring in awe as she swept into the dining hall, the other Beauxbatons blooming out from the doors behind her. Her eyes were a striking cobalt, complemented by the silvery-blonde tresses that spilled like a waterfall over her slim shoulders. She was a lone lily wrapped in pale blue bouquet and no other flower arrangement could compare...

"Veela," someone nearby murmured. "Not full-blood, though; her hair isn't white."

The Boy-Who-Lived didn't give much thought to the comment, being too Stupified to care. Never in his life had he seen someone so beautiful.

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prompts used: HarryFleur; write about Fleur; alternatively, write about Harry Potter; descriptive writing, The Great Hall, Rhianna - Diamond; write about someone having his eyes set on you.

A/N: HarryFleur.

{ original chapter: 14th october 2014 - 8th february 2015. 
minor edits: 30th april 2020. }

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