I'm Not The Same Anymore

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Savanna POV

I woke up knowing exactly what I had to do today. I had a meetup in some random venue near Venus and was I really in the mood to go? No, I'm never in the mood for anything now and days. But they are still my fans, I still love and care for them even when I'm hurting I still do. "Savanna wake- oh nevermind your up their breakfast on the table for you." mom said I sent her a nod and left.


"Hey, guys!" I said into the mic. I look into the crowd they were cheering but had very concerning expressions. "How are you guys doing I missed your beautiful faces," I said putting on once again a fake smile. "Okay guys so Steven is going to go around so you guys can ask me some questions they were going to do pictures then I have to go. Sounds cool with you?" Another set of roars comes from the crowd. I'm answering the simple questions like when will I start acting again, wheres Sarah, hows Mathew, have I talked to Sincere since the Detour. 

"OKay, last question. Hmm, how about you." Steven hands a girl the mic. The same girl I met at Sabrina's concert last week. I smiled at her and she waved back.

"Hi I'm Hailey, my question is that in these past 4 months. Do you feel the same, are you the same you anymore?" She asked her voice stumbling and stammering. She was obviously scared and everyone was taken back.

"Okay so if everyone can get up in a-"

"No Steven I want to answer it. I can tell you this I'm not the same Savanna that eats, slept and breathed dance. I'm not the same savanna that carried a sketchbook and color pencils everywhere I went. I'm Not The Same Anymore. I'm working on it though."

After that, it was picture time and I felt really bad because I really wasn't feeling myself. I was entirely overwhelmed with gifts half of them being for Sabrina, Sarah, and baby Mat but I still had a few for myself.

"I'm sorry for crossing boundaries Savanna I just re-"

"Hey, Hailey it's okay I promise. And don't think I didn't recognize you're from last week at Sabrina's concert. Everyones noticed well except for my mom, dad, and Sabrina but everyone else is but you just had enough courage to ask me. By the way thanks for believing in me." I hugged her and took a picture with her.  Time flies soon it was 4 I was done with the meetup but I had some meetings to go to.

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