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I wake up in the morning with a huge smile on my face because it's the day before Brandon's birthday. His mom is going to be flying in soon and I want to head over to the prettymuch house so I can surprise him and we can go pick his mom up from the airport together. Also, I got him a gift and I want him to open it a little earlier. My mom called some people at Versace and used her fashion designer good graces to get them to make him a customized shirt with a small picture of us kissing on it. I know how much he loves Versace and how much he loves me so I decided to combine them both.

I park my car in the driveway of the prettymuch house and get out running inside. All of the boys are sitting in the living room playing video games and watching television. Brandon isn't with them.

"Hey guys." I say placing the gift box on the table, "What's up?"

"Is that a gift for Brandon?" Zion asks, "Aww you love him."

I blush, "I do. And one day you'll have someone who would love you too if you stop waiting for Tinashe to notice you, Zion."

"That's something I would never do." He laughs, "I don't even understand how you could say something like that."

"Anyways..." I whip my head to Edwin, "Where's Brandon?"

"Upstairs." Edwin says and I start to make my way to his room, "...With Charlotte."

I disregard that last part and head upstairs anyway. I'm sure whatever they are doing, it's innocent fun. But part of me doubts that it is. His door is closed so I listen to their conversation from outside of the door.

"Give it back, Charlotte." He laughs

"No, Brandon." She replies, "You have a thousand other hoodies, why do you need this one."

"Cause it's my favorite."

"Give it-"

You hear him get up. You can hear them fighting and laughing outside the room. There's a lot of crashing and then suddenly the crashing stop and the laughing stops. I open the door and my mouth drops.

They're fucking kissing. His arms are wrapped tightly around her waist and she has her arms around his neck. No sound escapes my mouth, I just stand there shocked. They pull apart and both look up locking eyes with me. Charlotte looks guilty, dropping her head to the ground. I turn to leave and Brandon follows me.


"Don't fucking touch me." I answer back pushing him back from me. Everyone else in the house perks up.

"Lani, just listen to me!" He screams as we walk outside

I get in the car and Brandon comes up, grabbing the door before I can close it. "Let me explain."

"Explain what?" I ask not even trying to hold back my tears

"It just happened."

"So your lips just happened to make contact with hers?" I ask closing my door. I roll my windows down so I can continue to yell at him. "I should've know something was gonna happen. You're too close with her."

"Lani, I didn't plan it. It didn't mean anything."

"Looked like it meant something to me." I struggle to get my keys in the ignition. "You had me fooled because I thought you actually loved me."

"I do love you, Leilani!" He exclaims

"No you don't!" I scream back barely able to get out the words because I'm crying so hard. "If you did, you wouldn't be kissing her!"

I pull out of the driveway and prepare to head down the street. Brandon stands in the middle of the street blocking me from driving away. "Move, Brandon!"

"No. I'm not letting you leave until we talk about this."

"I will run you the fuck over!" I scream

"I love you, okay. It was a mistake, it didn't mean anything. We were just caught up in the moment!"

"Brandon, move!" I scream

"Talk to me, please. My birthday is tomorrow don't leave like this."

"Fuck your birthday!" I scream back.

If he doesn't want move then I'll move him. I back my car up and start driving down the street, just as I'm about to hit him Edwin comes running across the street grabbing Brandon and pushing him out the way. I stop the car and back up. Brandon comes to the car and I wipe my tears and look him in the eye.

"By the way, your mom will be here at 7 so pick her up from LAX. Happy birthday." I say, "That was your surprise."

I drive off in a bucket full of tears leaving him standing in the middle of the road all alone.

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