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It's been about a week since the whole shit show featuring Brandon Arreaga happened. He came to school one day this week and hasn't been back since. And that one day that he did come, he didn't say a word to me. He talked to everyone else, even Sofia, but didn't say a single thing to me. Surprisingly, Sofia got over Brandon a lot quicker than any of us expected her too. Especially because of how much she was up under him and how much time they spent together. I'm also pretty sure that they slept together pretty much all the time. Edwin and I haven't really talked about what happened much. He knows that I'm into him and kinda sort of into Brandon, although Brandon has done nothing to make me want to be into him. I think Edwin is more focused on what me and him can be instead of dwelling on what's going on between me and Brandon. Jazmine and Austin have also been arguing a lot lately. It's just been a shit show in our friend group for the past week. 

Hopefully all the fighting and arguing stops because Brandon, Edwin, Austin, Nick, and Zion are throwing a party at their house tonight and it's supposed to be a banger. They invited majority of the school, although I'm pretty sure everyone from school will end up showing their faces. It's supposed to be this really big thing with kegs full of beer, bottles of hard liquor all around, good music, the pool, etc. And most importantly, the boys are supposed to be performing themselves. Hopefully, they do it before they get too drunk because we don't want them falling all over the place thinking that their dancing. I'm excited for the party. And I'm also excited to see how everyone will be in a full group again. Jazmine, Sofia, and I are supposed to be going over to the house tonight to help them set up everything. Hopefully the party doesn't get to rowdy because we definitely do not want the cops to come, shut it down, and have Simon up their asses. 

Jazmine comes to pick my up from my house. Sofia is already in the car. She told us to bring an overnight bag because we probably won't be coming back home tonight. I get in the car and I can feel the tension rise. Sofia says she isn't mad at me still, but I don't believe that she's fully over what happened. 

"So you must be excited to see Brandon tonight." Sofia says as soon as I get in the car, "I know you guys haven't talked much but get him drunk and he'll tweet like a bird."

"Maybe she's excited to see Edwin tonight." Jazmine suggests, "Brandon said he was into her and hasn't talked to her since."

"Is Edwin okay with you being into them both? It has to cause some kind of tension in the house." 

"We actually haven't talked much about it, Sofia." I say, "I assume that it will cause tension but to be honest, I don't even really know if I'm into Brandon or not." 

"Tonight is the night to find out." Sofia says, she turns to face me, "And don't worry, I'm completely over Brandon." 

I nod my head as Jazmine zooms down the street to the boys house. All of the boys are waiting by the door when we get there. When we get inside, the house is pretty much set up. Zion and Nick moved the keg to the backyard, Austin made the playlist, and Edwin and Brandon set all the valuable stuff up in a place where no one can find it. 

"So..." Nick says, "Are y'all ready to get lit tonight?" 

"Hell yeah!" We answer in unison 


Before you know it, the night falls and the house is full of people. Everyone is drinking, dancing, vibing, and so far everything is going good. Brandon still hasn't said one word to me, despite us being in the same house all day. I'm sitting on the kitchen counter, finishing off my "i  lost count of how many cups I've had" cup of alcohol when Jazmine comes to get me. 

"The boys are about to perform." 

I get up and follow her into the backyard and push our way through the crowd to the front of the stage as the boys set up. Brandon comes to the center of the stage and looks at me as he speaks to the crowd. 

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