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John never touched people.

Like, never.

He was never comfortable with contact. He didn't have a reason behind it but it was just a part of him. John also kept to himself. He never talked about his emotions, fucking ever.

Alexander had always had a crush on John ever since he first laid eyes on him. He thought he was straight before he met him.

Alexander came home to his dorm one day to not see John in his normal spot of his bed.

He heard quiet sobbing coming from the bathroom. Like a normal person, he knocked.

"John, are you in there? Are you okay?"

John didn't respond.

"Answer me."

Alex tried to open the door, putting his other hand over his eyes just to make sure he wasn't seeing anything private.

Either way, it was locked.

"I just want to know if you're okay."

John suddenly went silent.

'Don't fucking tell me he committed suicide or something.' Alex thought to himself.

He looked around frantically for a key.

"John, please tell me you're okay."

No response.

"John, at least tell me you're alive!"

Alexander was starting to freak out.

In panic, he looked for a key to the door.

He searched the dorm quickly and found the key on a high shelf.

Alexander did the same as before, sightly covering his eyes as he opened the door.

John had a knife and was about to cut his wrist.

One was already cut, tears were still rolling down his face.

John dropped the knife has soon as Alex walked in.

"I'm getting help from someone else who can help more than me."

John grabbed Alex by the wrist.

"Please, don't."

Alex was blushing yet confused.


"It's fine if you don't wanna help me."

"No! I want to help you, it's just, you've never touched anybody that I know of."

"Look, I have something to confess."


"I've had a slight crush on you."

I don't feel like I'm taking this seriously because he's bleeding from the wrist over self harming himself right now but he likes me back so I'm suddenly happy.'

"I'll be honest... I've had a massive crush on you ever since I first laid my eyes on you."

"Well, I thought I'd never have a chance with you."


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