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Iris suffered through Geometry and Chemistry, her thoughts always finding there way back to Edward. She didn't mind thinking about him as much she thought she should, a smile crossed her face every time his smile clouded her mind.

"Penny for your thoughts."

Iris looked up from her daydreaming gaze and towards Edward who was sat by her side in Biology class. Her lips curled into a small smile.

"You'd want a refund." Iris said as a crooked grin crossed Edward's face.

"I would like to know what's got you so flustered." Edward continued. Iris cupped her hands over her cheeks and realised that they were flaming warm from her blush.

 Iris cupped her hands over her cheeks and realised that they were flaming warm from her blush

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"Nothing." Iris muttered while Edward chuckled.

"Has anyone ever told you that you're a horrible liar."

"You'd be the first." Iris said dropping her hands from her face.

Edward had his eyes glued to the rain outside the window his golden eyes glowing with a small smile gracing his lips. "Can I ask you something." Edward said his voice a little on edge.

"I don't see why not."

"How old are you Iris?" Edward asked.

"Seventeen. Why?"

"You don't seem seventeen." Edward continued and Iris laughed cringing away when the teacher shot her a look. She always had a hard time passing as a teenager, but then again so did all Guardians in training. They all held a mature cloud in their eyes, he wasn't as clueless as she thought.

"What." Edward said his eyebrows furrowed.

"My mother used to say that I was born a thirty year old women. With the way I acted around other kids before I grew into my pow-" Iris started biting her tongue to stop herself from continuing. She was getting too comfortable him.

Instead of questioning her on her abrupt stop, Edward continued with his questions.

"What do you mean by used to." Edward said. Iris replied with a confused expression and Edward explained. "You said your mother used- to say."

Iris froze for a second realising her second mistake of the day.

"She died last year." Iris said. She didn't want to elaborate on her life story no matter how much she liked him.

Edward watched her as her eyes glazed over and his hand inched towards her's urging to comfort her, it was obvious she was in pain. Their hands touched and a small spark lit between their fingers waking Iris up from her thoughts with a jump. She glanced around afraid that she had used her powers involuntarily but looking up at Edward she saw that he wasn't in pain like he should be but instead he had a smile on his face. He was inspecting his hand. What was that Iris thought before realising that it was probably because of their bond and sighed in somewhat relief.

Edward realising what had happened reached down for hand once again and the spark ran through them. Instead of pulling away the two sat there with their hands clasped together.

"I'm so sorry for your loss." Edward said.

"Thank you." Iris replied. The spark ran through her body like fireworks.

"What will you be doing this weekend." Edward asked, breaking their silence and Iris was grateful for the change in conversation.

"I'm not sure." Irised said.

"I thought you and I could spend time together outside of school." Edward explained.

"What would we be doing." Iris asked with a hesitant tone. In all her life she would've never guessed that a vampire would ask to spend time with her and she would never have guessed that she would contemplate the idea.

"Anything." Edward said.

"Okay. I would love to." Iris replied her smile growing wider.



"I missed your call." Angela stated stirring the beaker that contained a red substance. Robin sat facing her in Chemistry class as they tried to complete the task given to them.

"It's alright." Robin assured.

"I was having dinner with my parents and my Mum has this rule about having no technology at the dinner table-." Angela explained.

"Angela, really it's ok." Robin said and Angela nodded in response.

"So. What did you want to talk to me about."

"I needed a little help, the notes I wrote in Trigonometry, weren't the clearest. But I figured it out." Robin said. After a whole night of thinking she realised that starting a relationship with Angela really wasn't the best way to go. She didn't want to be the reason for the exposure of the world that had been kept a secret for hundreds of years.

"Okay." Angela replied nudging her glasses to fit comfortably on her face. This was a trait she had adopted whenever she was nervous or worried and at this moment she felt both.

"What's wrong." Robin asked catching sight of the hand that shook as she pushed up her glasses.

"Nothing." Angela said but sighed when she knew that Robin knew she was lying. Angela slid off her white gloves after Robin finished off the last touches to their experiment and forced out a shaky smile, her hands were shaking. She knew she shouldn't be so nervous around Robin especially because the two had already gone to first base in the short amount of time of knowing each other. Angela liked her, she liked the way Robin tried to hold in her anger whenever someone annoyed her with their staring and she liked Robin's bravery, she was usually the one who held conversations with Angela. Without her bravery Angela knew that the two would be sitting here in silence instead of talking to each other like old friends. "I wanted to ask if maybe you would want to hangout with me this Saturday....By hangout I mean go on a date with me." Angela asked. Robin stared at her with wide eyes, she wasn't expecting this she had accepted the fact that her and Angela were meant to be friends but that was before she was sceptical about Angela feeling the same way.

"Robin you really don't have to say yes. I just thought that after that talk we had that you would want to."

"I do. I'm just-." Robin started. She watched as Angela's eyes glazed over with forming tears and her eyes softened before continuing. "I would love to go out with you Angela."



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