"You know how we do man, little man loves to match my fly."

Reaching their cars, Ahmad put Marquette in his carseat then shut the door. Turning around he saw Marcus leaned up against his car so he assumed he wanted to talk. "You good?"

He shrugged. "At this point, I really don't know .. Anaya been acting mad funny lately, I mean her and Alisha got back close but we starting to get distant."

"You talk to her to tell her how you feel."

"Yeah, I came to her about it asking her what was up but all she said was she just been busy with the boutique and helping Alisha branch off but I honestly don't believe her.. I'm getting bad vibes."

Ahmad frowned. Usually when Marcus get those bad vibes usually something happens and Ahmad honestly hoped nothing did. "Just watch her actions, make sure she aint up to no sneak shit."

Marcus sighed and nodded. "Alright, sorry I came to you about this .. I know you got a lot on yo mind at the moment."

Slapping hands Ahman brung him in for a hug. "You already know whenever you need to talk I'm here."

"Yeah I know but I'll meet y'all at the gravesight."

"Alright, you might beat me there gotta get my boy some food.. but ma' and pops gon' be there."

"Ight bet, see you there."

Getting inside their cars they both pulled off going opposite directions. While driving Ahmad looked in the rearview mirror to see Marquette looking out the window. Smiling he began to picture Amira when she was his age.

Even though he hated to think about her being gone for good, he knew it was time to accept it and move on from it.

Pulling up to the gravesight he saw everybody was already there. Getting out his car he grabbed Marquette out his carseat and the bag of food he brought along with the picture he needed.

Walking towards where everyone was, he greeted everybody giving them brief hugs and kisses. Everybody had already been to Amira's gravesight except Ahmad and they all wanted to be there for him at this moment.

"You good son?" Aaron asked patting his back and Ahmad nodded slowly.

"Yeah, I'm ready to see it."

Cali and Ashley moved from in front of her gravesight letting him see it. Handing Marquette off to his dad along with the food, he walked over to it bending down on one knee.

Tracing his finger over the toombstone, he felt his eyes began to burn. "Sometimes .. I be thinking this is a joke or a dream that one day you're gonna come back but sadly I know that'll never happen but I wish it could." He mumbled. "I know you're up there mad as hell at me for not attending your funeral and I apologize it was just at the time I was in a bad place but I swear I miss you baby girl more than anything. This was suppose to be your year to shine but I guess God felt you needed to shine some light up in heaven."

Wiping his eyes, everybody stood back and watched with tears in their eyes as well. "But your life didn't end that night .. you gon' continue to live through me, everything I do is for you, and I know if you could see me and how much I have changed I know your fast ass tale would be truly happy. You ain't deserve to go out the way you did but like they say everything happens for a reason, so I have to try and figure the meaning of this. You were such a beautiful person inside and out so I gotta say God lucky he got you as an Angel up there cause you were the Angel of our lives.. yeah it hurts to live knowing you aren't here but I'm doing my best for the most part.. continue to watch over us babygirl .. love you forever and always baby sis."

DETERMINATION | Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now