The other alphas

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…………….."RUN "………….

They both took off in a hurry I didn’t even see the direction they ran off .

Hehehehehhe the poor twins I giggled. wait a minute wasn’t I cuddled next to my giant teddy bear I opened my mind barriers to look for Ace.

 "teddy where are you" ...

"not so loud mira the other alphas are here"

I just froze …. my dad and my mate were in the same building as I and I didn’t sense a thing ……

but I felt the pain of my mate sleeping with other whore's, I felt the pain of my dad's sanity sleeping away. And it really hurt , i felt guilty inside . Sad that I left my dad , but it wasn’t my fault right? he didn’t care about me … rarely acknowledged me . ohhh and my mate is a man whore so I did the right thing leaving him. I need to go see my dad and I need to go teach my mate a lesson.

(A/N : it’s a surprise)














 (yup.. from here)

 the drum roll please …………

Alpha Mason

it's almost been a year since my mate amira left we tried tracking her down and it's almost like she disappeared of the face of the earth.

few weeks after she left her dad slowly started going insane we had to join packs since he had a larger pack than mine and we were good friends. all I had to make sure of is that all the papers were in order incase his daughter and my mate comes back home which we all lost hope for. I may really miss her but we both know an alpha will not admit that .

when we arrived at Alpha Aces pack house its like the air around the pack consisted of my mates scent and the minute the door opened and I saw Ace …I knew I would have to leave this pack with his blood all over my hands … he smelled like my mate and all I could see was red …

The runawayМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя