2 my life

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I'm Amira proud descendent from the red moon pack.  Our pack was once an all pure red wolf pack till my grandfather died and my dad became Alpha, he met my mom a pure white ancients wolf and they mated, making me in the process.

my mom died a few minutes after my birth with me in her arms. I was told that my dad was the happiest man when my mom was pregnant with me. He went out to get a glass of water for her and when he came back she was dead, a long blue black vein appeared on her hand showing that she was poisoned. he picked me up from my mother's arm shocked at how much we looked alike . he got a lady to take care of me . he visited frequently and one day he came and told me I could finally stay with him. I remember how happy I was I could finally stay with my dad I loved him so much since my mom died and he was the only family I had left . I jumped and hugged him and I kissed his cheek I remember how I told him I loved him so much and how I know he loves me even though he leaves me with some creepy old lady he stared at me in shock an I saw love and pain pass through his eyes but pain stood out more since I saw a tear from the corner of his eye I gasped and told him how sorry I was but he just smiled at me and for the first time ever he hugged me

I got home to see a lady with a fake smile plastered on her face . she was the last red ancient wolf she was so full of herself and acted like she cared. when I turned 16 my dad gave me a credit card and from then I never saw him again I started training and I became one of the best fighters in the pack, even better than the pack warriors. after I finished training I took on studying the history of were wolves after about a year I met Cyle he was my best friend. we did everything together I felt like a normal teen when I was with him after some months passed he was killed in a rouge attack my spirit left with him and my step mom started her conquest to kill me she stabbed me with a knife through my ribs .i didn’t have my wolf by then and she thought I would bleed to death but I didn’t instead I felt stronger and I pulled the knife out with ease with my wound healing in a second . once I smelled wolfs bane in the coffee I was drinking and I didn’t even drink it

when I turned eighteen few weeks ago i got my wolf I thought things would change for the better but I was wrong I never shifted I stayed human I just had werewolf senses but a lot more heightened than a regular wolf. high school sucked I was the only human there and the alphas daughter I had sluts all up on me embarrassing  me and throwing insults I just held my head high and walked .. I'm an alphas daughter it's what I'm born to do . after three days since my birthday I met my mate he was the alpha of the neighboring pack I smiled and was so excited my wolf doing flips and as soon as he made eye contact with me he rolled his eyes and looked at me he roughly grabbed my hand and pushed me against the wall listen, you may be rich, you may have good clothes, you may have the sexiest body in school, you may have the Alpha blood line but ill never have a human for a mate not in my life time. he then smirked and said " I mason Daniels rejects you Amira Ricardo." I felt crushed but soon masked it saying with a big smile "I amira Ricardo accept your rejection mr.Daniel " I turned around and walked away swaying my hips a little more I stopped and turned around and told him " see you in hell man whore " with a wink and I ran so fast I'm sure he couldn’t see me though he was a wolf . I ran into the forest and changed for the first time it hurt like hell it felt like having hot nails scraping against the inside of your body I felt my bones brake and I hunched forward and soon after the pain stopped and a voice almost like mine said in my head 'mira, it's done I'm your wolf, Chase we are destined for greatness I know your mischievous and tough but u have to get a little tougher.' I walked towards the lake near me to see my new self  I gasped not to brag but I'm the sexiest wolf ever !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was pure white with an ancients mark right on the left side of my neck the mark was curved in a blood red along with the tip of my ears and the edge of my tail my tail was longer and bushier than a normal wolf " how do I turn back " I asked chase 'all you have to do is think of yourself as a human' . I closed my eyes and found myself buck naked I ran towards the house and into my room to tired to even dress I got into the cover going to sleep

I got up at 9 in the morning with masons sent all over my room and my window open I looked down and I was naked with a thin sheet covering the middle of my body what the flippers and I remembered how I turned into my wolf and I was so happy I went for a shower using a new lavender scented body gel and it made me feel so new  I dressed in my  black booty shorts and a red crop top with my black commando boots and I crept downstairs and picked up my wallet and my car keys and went downstairs I pressed on the key to open the doors to my BMW convertible and drove off to the town between masons pack and mine  it’s the only place they serve great breakfast sooooo yeah.

I got in and the place was full I sat in the booth in the farthest corner of the restaurant and a lady came by" hey amira the usual?" "yes please I answered with a smile " I like what you've done with your hair she smiled and walked away leaving me puzzled I turned my self around to face the window behind me and saw my hair was pure white now and had a hint of red and it was into a bun like the way I did it earlier this morning. I pulled my pin holding my hair together to find it fall all around me all the way to below my butt. it was naturally wavy now and the bottom part of my hair was now a shade of dark red I sighed feeling happy just like my wolf just then my order came up and the lady gasped " oh my gosh amira your hair is beautiful" " thanks" I replied and started eating just as I almost took a bite out of my chicken nugget I felt chase tense and growl 'man whore' she humphed she left me puzzled till I heard masons voice come into the restaurant 'man whore ' I smirked knowing he heard me chase chuckled inside my head and I raised my eyes lazily to a dirty looking mason with blood shot eyes . I rolled my eyes and looked at him " something wrong ", "you look different but I still won't waste my time to mate a pathetic human , you insult an alpha and sleep naked to tease him and yet you act like you don’t care and call me a man whore he growled lowly' ' I rolled my eyes and said with a smile ' okay then , ALPHA, I don’t think you should come to my room, no one asked you to come over, see  you around man whore". I stood up and slid out of the booth with my back toward mason I went to the cash register and gave them a $20 bill I turned around to see a wide mouthed mason taking in my new look and outfit  when he finally looked up at my face I licked my upper lip slowly and bit on my bottom lip and gave him an evil smirk and left, but  not before telling him 'man whore'

I walked out the restaurant and into the woods nearby I walked for a long way and I felt a presence behind me I smelled the air and found that its masons scent  'you can read his mind you know all you have to do is imagine looking through his mind '  after chase told me this I closed my eyes but still kept walking . I imagined his face and going through his mind and I heard whispers 'im going to kill that bitch' . that’s all I needed I was now boiling red I kept walking towards a stream I smelled nearby I took of my boots and shorts and my top and bent down purposely and acted like I was arranging my clothes before I got a chance to stand up straight mason was pushing me hard against the tree  his face a mere inches from me he pinned my hands behind my back and his chest holding me in place . ' what the flip mason  , leave me alone ' I shouted acting like I didn’t know what he planed to do he kept staring at my lips and I pressed them to his own he started moving his lips with mine in sync and I shoved my tongue down his throat he moaned from all the sparks we felt against each other his grip on me loosened and I took the opportunity to kick his knee making him loose his balance I quickly moved to the other side of the leaving him there speechless he growled and shifted into his wolf and I could see the smirk on his wolf lips ' im going to kill you now my love ill make it quick' 'he winked he also added ' pathetic human mate'

I smirked as he started moving towards me he stopped puzzled and I also shifted to my wolf . I was actually slightly bigger than him and I radiated a lot more power than him his eyes flashed in love awe proud but what stood out and made me laugh was fear !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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