a day later and a buch of sore fingers

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a day later and a bunch of sore fingers


"my fingers hurt"

"im soooo tired"

"why the hell are my fingers sticky"

"shuck it up buttercups ,im tired too and we have a neon lights party tomorrow so if i were you id get some sut eye"

"night my adowable wittle puppies"

in response to my swwet goodbye i get three feral growls from Sam ,Mack and Jack

"I thought so, now suck it up"

"nigghhhhhttttt" i sang out entering my room

okay so we finished painting the rooms and I'm actually happy with the way the rooms look . my man whore of a mates room is huge so is my dad's but masons room is green with brown barky effect on top while dads is sky blue with navy blue glitter effects on the roof of his room since one of the things I remember about him is that he loves to sleep under the night sky . It was kinda hard to paint his room for me ………… with all the running away and all. The guys still don’t know about my past only Ace does .. Talking about Ace I have to tell him the rooms are done


" upstairs !" he answered through mind link.

I walked straight into is room not bothering to knock … even after the repulsive scene that took place not long ago.

I found Ace in his room but his bed sheets were a different color, my favorite color.

"puuuurrrpppllleeee" I screamed charging for the bed and jumping on it

"Ace??!!" looking around I didn’t see Ace anywhere

"His in the bathroom dimwitt".

"I knew that pup"

"sure you did"

"shut up chase your annoying

" its not being annoying its being a lot smarter cunning and sassier than you"

"whatever chase"

after few more minutes aces scent filed my nose I opened my eyes and sat up on the bed looking at Ace . I rubbed my probably red sleepy eyes and yawned " Ace I finished making the rooms for each alpha and made two spare bedrooms for each of their bimbos. Ace chuckled and asked with humor visible in his voice

"okay red did you make spare rooms for their betas and two other warriors and maybe three more extra rooms for their other pack members ??"

well that woke me up …..

"say what now!!!!??" I half screamed  with my eyes the size of a bush baby

Ace chuckled ," I guess you guys will have to share a room ."

my sleep came back practically running over me . I felt sooo exhausted " you know what fuck that I don’t even want them here ill build dog houses for them , it's easier "

I fell back on the nice furry purple bed and cuddled to the side of Aces side he turned to face me, wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead "night Mira", "night Ace" I murmured and let cuddled closer to my giant teddy bear .

I woke up the next morning to a lot of bouncing

seriously if this thing doesn’t stop anytime soon Im gonna burst a vein

okay now this is getting annoing

what the hell's up with that annoying voice

bounce bouncy bounce bouncy bounce bouncy..

there are two annoying voices bothering my beautiful sleep

"if that racket doesn’t stop im going to kill"

"for once chase were on the same page"

bouncy bounce bouncy bounce bouncy bounce


my eyes shot open ,i jumped into an attack position and I let out a deep feral growl that had the house shaking I look at the two deer's caught in a headlight looking at me wide eyed and terrified .

…………….."RUN "………….

They both took off in a hurry I didn’t even see the direction they ran off .

"the poor twins "

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