1. Achelois freedom (Revised)

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I must be docile and compliant. I must not leave after dark. I must alert mother at all times where and who I'm with. I must... I must not..... Hmm how strange I murmur as I gently place my forefinger over my lips trying to recall the rest of what's to follow. I'd heard mother's pestering's so many times that I'd simply become exhausted of every potential new threat that may harm me in some way.

Closing my eyes I take a deep breath and exhale slowly while using my two fingers to massage my temple as I process mother's warnings. As I unfold my eyelids I begin to daydream of the outside world. Envisioning myself at the seashore, indulging my feet in the cool, crisp sea as droplets of water trickles down my cheek only to become swept away by the sudden gush of wind. I grasp onto a nearby conch shell quietly placing it over my ear, just as I'm about to hear the voice of the ocean resonating within the shell's cavity I'm rudely awakened. The floors begin to shake, the animals are distraught, and everything begins to crumble away. Frightened I look up to be met with mother's gaze.

"Achelois, Achelois dear are you listening?"

Distraught I quickly realized I'm in my room having yet another conversation with mother on why I won't be leaving anytime soon.

"Achelois!" Mother exclaimed with so much declaration my eyes shot up noting her presence. "Yes mother, but I'll be eighteen tomorrow and I wish to venture out of my room just this once" I pleaded as I latched onto mother's eyes. But it's no use, it never is.

"Achelois, sweetie I know you're feeling lonely, but please try to understand the world outside this room is a very dangerous place."

"Mother I know you worry, but I've never done anything for you to doubt your trust in me!" Besides the earth is not a scary place I thought to myself making use of the knowledge I gained from my books. "Now please let me visit earth tomorrow!"

Suddenly mother's entire demeanor changes. Her eye becomes hard carrying over a cold expression sending chills throughout my entire body. Mother was furious.

"I won't repeat myself again Achelois! Furthermore tomorrow is the day of Tartarus offerings."

"Tartarus?" I whisper looking up to mother hoping to inquire what possible reason does this Tartarus fellow play on whether or not I can leave. But mother would not budge.

"Achelois I don't have time for this. We'll discuss tomorrow once I've finished attending my duties as a goddess."

And that was that. With a kiss to my forehead mother left leaving me alone in my room. It was pitiful, really. Looking around my room I begin to inspect every details. It was quite large plastered in the scent of jasmine: my favorite flowers. I had everything a girl could want here, but I was still so utterly alone. For as long as I could remember I've always been confined to my room.

Sighing I make way towards my private study. My books were the only place I could find solace. It gave me the ability to do the one thing I could never do here: escape. Allowing me to leave my physical body, my mind and spirit were able to wander across countless continents and countries. Places I would like to see and feel the air around me. Deciding on what to read I spot a dusty red book with a leather bind. Flipping through I see it's a story about a young boy suffering from leprosy killing all those he comes in contact with. Not wanting to burden his family he decides to run away from home.

Hmm if only I could run away. And that's when it hit me! Gasping, my eyes widen. Why didn't I think of this before? If mother won't let me leave then I'll simply get up and leave. Yes, that's what I will do.

I ended up spending the entire night planning my escape and soon a gradual surge of drowsiness engulfed my entire body forcing me to slumber until I couldn't withstand it anymore.

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