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Sleep comes easy,

No worries

No stress

Just relief.

Relief from the world around me.

With one worry sneaking in.

The child and the adult



¡Hola! (hello - Spanish with proper accents : finally)

I'm not gonna be writing, well publishing probably as much since I'm gonna be having a Maths Common Test which I have to do. And I'll be studying for it as well as practicing my Greek to bump it back up to a B instead of a C.

One of the problems is I can't change language next year so I can't do Chinese which I was gonna do this year but my mum made me do Greek even though Primary School - straight A's in chinese plus I really did enjoy it, but enough of me ranting about my school ad education.

So I maybe able to change and I'll have to maybe use it as a filler for year 10. But what's funny is I told my mum at the end of last year during the subject selection that I wanted to do Chinese but she disowned me by giving me a lecture.

So that's life right now on top of study and school work..

So I hope you guys have a better state right now then I am.

I'm gonna sign off here,

Adios, Kye

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