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Levi Quivit's P.O.V

The sun was shining bright through the window, it was annoying.  I rolled over trying to block the sunlight and go back to sleep, but I was already awake.   I groaned in annoyance and slowly got up making my way out of bed.  I slowly crawl down stairs and walk to the kitchen, I make myself some coffee.  I just sat down on the couch and drank my coffee when I  heard a knock on the door.  

I put my coffee down and walked towards the door,  "I'M COMING!".   When I opened the door I saw my friend Harper Irigami standing there holding what seemed to be a packet of chips -my favourite flavor too- although some may take this as a gift, I knew Harper wouldn't do this unless it was some sort of bribe. "Hello, Levi! how are you on the fin---" I cut her sentence short, saying with an annoyed tone "What do you want....?" she just looked at me with an overly innocent smile and blinked a few times as if she thought it would work....but it did. the next thing I knew I was drinking coffee with her and making plans for the next operation we had been wanting to do for a while, she had informed me that we had a few more people join the task force that we were in, Ruby Akiyama, Jamie Michaels and Mika Smith, she then showed me their documents "They all have decent stats so I guess so I guess they will do..." I wasn't all that impressed by them, but if everyone at the academy thinks that they're good then they probably are.  

"Ruby is also...." Harper added, I could tell she was lost for words so I decided to help her out by finishing her sentence "Hot?" Harper then giggled a bit "Well! I was gong to say nice but sure! She's hot too." she then smirked and I went into some sort of embarrassed lock down mode "O-oh...pfft yeah...that's wh-what I m-meant to say....." I then got up and gestured for her to leave, to my joy she took the hint and made her way to the door.

~Time skip brought to you by blushing Levi Quivit B)))))~

Ruby Akiyama's P.O.V

I was walking towards Itsowa café for a meeting, to discuss plans for Operation 32.204.  I smiled slightly when I saw a tall guy with silky silver hair.  I mumbled to myself.  "He's so.. handsome, god no he's adorable..."  I was stopped and snapped out of my mumbling when a girl with Silvery Grey hair walked up to me and said, "Hey!  You're Ruby, right?" I nodded slowly and replied.  "Uh- yeah... and you are?...."  I had a feeling it was one of the members, but I wasn't sure, I had only heard about them.  "giggles I'm Harper!  Harper Irigami.   I'm an originator for Operation 32.204!  You've heard of me, right?"  She added.  Harper... eh? "Ohh!  Hi!  Yeah, so um, yeah I'm here for the meeting..."  Out of no where I saw two overly giddy people coming to Itsowa, one of them had medium length black hair, she was fairly tall at least, compared to me.... and the other who was only a small bit taller than her, he had short blonde hair and seemed to be awkwardly blushing while the girl kept patting his head.  I giggled at the blonde boy.  The girl was pretty, I hope I get to meet her...  "Oh!  that's Mika, and Jamie!  They're best friends, I think you guys will get along just fine.  smiles" said Harper.   "Oh, cool, haha..."  I hope so.  Harper gestured Mika and Jamie to come over.  "Heyyy winks I'm Jamie!  Nice to 'meetcha! pets Ruby's head"  I blushed the tiniest bit and replied.  "Uh-um.. hi... I'm Ruby!  Nice to meet y-you too..."  Ugh!  did I stutter?  Oops...  Damn it.  "Aww you're so cute! pets head again"  I didn't know how to respond so I just looked at her and smiled slightly.  After a few minutes of chatting, Harper, Jamie, Mika, and I, sat down at a table with the Silver haired boy.  

They didn't notice a figure watching them through the window from across the street. "It's time." A low raspy voice whispered through the phone.

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