five- play

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five- play

song for this chapter: "all of me" by SoMo


"Poke her head."

"What? No!"

"Just do it, it will be so funny!"

"But she's asleep!"

"That's why it will be good, here let me do it -"

"If you so much as lay one of your tiny, little fingers on me, I shall not hesitate in punching you in the balls." I mumbled, my mind still half in darkness while half in reality threatening Zayn.

"Damn it." Zayn grumbled and I peeked open my eyes.

I expected to wake up with my head resting on Zayn's warm chest, hands tucked under my chin with my legs sprawled out over his lap. The position I was in, in all fairness, was correct, however the victim I was laying on was not. I had, in fact, taken a long nap on Harry instead.

"Oh God, I am so sorry!" I said, jumping off him and wrestling my hair down into something somewhat presentable.

"Nah, don't worry about it." Harry shrugged, sitting up a little.

"That was, like, totally rude of me. I usually sleep on Zayn, I don't know what happened."

"Honestly, don't worry about it." He smiled and I flushed crimson slightly at my rambling.

"Well aren't you two just adorable." Zayn cooed and I rolled my eyes, poking him very hard under his rib.

"Owww, what was that for?" He shrieked, and I shrugged, standing up. A massive yawn graced my lips and I stretched out my arms above my head.

"Attractive." Zayn winked and I gave him a dirty look.

"Do you wanna say that to my face?" I challenged, putting both hands on his shoulders as if I could possibly out strengthen him.

"Att-ract-ive." He grinned and I shoved him on the floor, dusting my hands off afterwards. But just as an incredibly smug smile reached my lips, Harry unexpectedly dove into my side and tackled me to the carpet beside Zayn.

"Harry, you bastard!" I yelled, laughing hysterically while trying to wriggle out of his grasp. My whole living room was filled with his bellowed laughter as he put next to no effort in holding me down.

"Why the heck are you so strong?" I gasped, panting for air.

"Or maybe you're just weak." He teased, playfully sticking out his tongue.

Playful harry is my favourite harry, I quickly decided.

"When did you turn into..." I pointed an accusing finger at Zayn "one of them?!"

Harry began to laugh again so I took this opportunity to swap places. I twisted my wrists in a circle and quickly pushed him beneath me in one swift motion. I trapped his big hands in my own and pinned him against the floor.

He looked shocked and extremely confused for a few seconds before rolling his eyes and pretending to try and escape.

"Help me! Help me! She's too strong!" He fake called to Zayn, who soon collapsed into a fit of ladylike giggles. I slapped Harry's arm gently - big mistake.

I was taken out again and Harry was suddenly hovering over me, wrists pinned down, his face inches from mine.

As moments passed, out laughter began to die down and I couldn't help but stare at his features, absorbing very inch of him. His eyes were so green and alive, his lips smooth and pink. His nose was slim, but fit perfectly on his face. His eyebrows were thick and often scrunched together, making his face form an adorably confused expression most of the time. My eyes travelled up his sharp jawline and I had to stop myself from trailing a single fingertip across the bone.

His warm breath on my lips snapped me back to reality and I softly pushed him away from me, finding it much easier to escape when he was watching me with such curiously also. He seemed to return to reality not long after and began to laugh as I stood up cheering, propping one foot on his toned stomach in victory.

"Congratulations, Ivy. He let you win." Zayn said jokingly from the sofa.

I had forgotten he was there.

"Whatever, Zen."

"Ooh crap, is that the time?" Harry suddenly said, sitting upright, grasping his watch in one hand. He leapt up, patting down his spiralling curls and began slipping on his shoes.

"Thank you for the movie and the food and everything." He said quickly, slipping on his jacket.

"Nice meeting you mate," Zayn said, whacking Harry's broad shoulder with his palm. Harry smiled in return and turned to me.

"I'll see you later?"

I nodded, smiling and walked him to the door, releasing his running body from my home. When his brown locks were officially out of sight, I joined Zayn back in the living room - with a lot on my mind.


my dedication today goes to @cravinouis because your comment on my prologue was just so lovely, thank u!!:]

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