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just a quick lil warning. yall better prepare for some creepy shit. maybe creepy maybe not for some readers idk i got chills bcos i was writing this alone

June 8, 2006


"I told you to take care of them! Yet, you disobeyed me! What if something happened worse than this, Jimin? " The latter tries to hold back his tears, gripping the hem of Yoongi's shirt. He was only 10 after all.

"Jin, you should stop. He's only 10 for god's sake. I'll look after them starting now." Namjoon held back Seokjin from yelling at Jimin who was now with Yoongi, comforting him.

"It's just that..." He pauses and sighs.
"I don't know what I'll do if any of them gets hurt. It's hard to see them and hear them cry. They never cried before when we were in our old house, except for when they argue with each other and end up crying- " He chuckled a little bit before frowning once again. Namjoon rubbing his back with circles.

"–Then when we moved here, they started to have imaginary friends, strange things started to happen to us. and fuck, now Jeongguk got hurt for an unknown reason. "

Seokjin sighed while rubbing his temples with Namjoon thinking why could this be happening to them.

"I don't think this is normal, Jin. This may sound stupid but this is some supernatural shit right here." Seokjin shakes his head, "No, no. It doesn't sound stupid at all. It could be the reason. I mean, Guk's the one who has been hurting from all of us, right? He's vulnerable and still young. It's an easy target for those disturbed souls. "

Namjoon agrees and as if they were heard by those disturbed souls, a sound emitted from the kitchen. Like the clanking of metallic objects.

"Hoseok! Stop touching things in the kitchen! It's late, go to sleep!" Only the sound got louder, and there they figured that it wasn't Hoseok who was making those sounds in this time of the day. 2:38 am.

"Namjoon... I-I think we should go upstairs and sleep. I get the chills, " he shivers and pulled the younger upstairs, pushing him into Taehyung's room.

He, however, looked back at the kitchen and saw a tall, black figure. almost like a human, only difference is... it's most definitely not a human. It's just standing utterly still near the refrigerator.

Seokjin got goosebumps once again and quickly sprinted to his room with Jeongguk. But, something stopped him from doing so. He was suddenly back to the staircase where he was observing that strange, strange figure. who was now at the foot of the staircase.

At his attempt to move and scurry to his shared bedroom, he was held back once again. A cold thing, like a hand was placed on his broad shoulder. Chilly air also surrounded him, especially near the shell of his ear, like breath.

"Wh- who are you and what do you want? " He didn't dare turn around. Seokjin was shivering at the pain of the grip on his shoulder and the extremely cold air enveloping him.

"Goodluck, seokjin. soon, you'll know me. I can't wait! " The voice averts from his left ear to his right one.

"To hurt and torture you until you bleed to death." Pain shoots through his whole upper body which made him fall onto the ground with a loud thud. Dark purple, bluish bruises started to form on his shoulder, arms, and neck.


Namjoon felt his throat run dry and so went out of his shared room to get water. He goes out to the kitchen, tripping on something but thought it was carpet.

He poured out water onto a glass and chugged down. Only, this water tasted different. It was... metallic on his tongue. like, blood, maybe?

He turns on the lights and saw a glass of water sitting atop of the counter. And as well as writings on the wide mirror.

3:17, tasted like blood right?

He saw that tall figure approaching him. Namjoon ran back to his room but tripping again. And ever so slowly, he turns around from falling to see his eldest brother lying on the ground with bruises on his body.


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