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    Hello everyone! My name's GrayzaShipper89 and this is my first story, just a bunch of grayza oneshots. This is just an idea I got late at night and I  just hope this story's alright. Honestly it's an honor someone other than me is reading this. 😂 Anyways without further ado, I welcome you, the first grayza oneshot, "Perfect"

Reminder: Fairy Tail belongs to Hiro Mashima, not me. Only "Grayza Oneshots" belong to me.

Dedicated to Noodle_Bowl

    {Erza's POV}

    Tears started to form it's way into your honey- brown eyes, your heart started to clench, and you could feel yourself screaming internally in your mind. No! Why? You thought. Why!? You knew you two could never be together, he was a fugitive after all. But you at least thought, he actually loved you back. Yet here he was kissing some random stranger you had no idea was, but honestly it didn't matter. It was someone other than you! You left the scene, not wanting the pain to last any longer than it had too. Why does love have to be so hard?

    You never understood the meaning of love. I mean if you guys really loved each other than why would couples fight constantly? Why would people leave their loved ones for someone else? Why did both people decide to leave altogether? At least until he came back. Love was a wonderful feeling with a limited amount of time, which is why people used it so much. Wether it was too set time aside for each other or just fight. Cause it's like they say "The more they fight, the closer they are." As it turns out your love, has reached it's limit.

   You somehow ended up in the middle of the road, not paying attention, but instead replaying the scene in your head, crying even more along the way.


Your hurting eyes looked up to see what in the world had made that terrible sound. Unfortunately, for you it was a car. The car was going so fast it couldn't stop and you were frozen in shock. Neither of you could prevent what was gonna happen.

Suddenly, a familiar pair of arms picked you up and sweeped you up from the ground


You landed on top of a concrete sidewalk, your back aching from the contact. Your closed eyes, that were waiting for the impact. Slowly opened. Halfway there you saw a strand of raven hair. "G-G-Gray?" You whispered, managing to get a peep or two out.

"Yeah," Gray replied.

As Gray started to pick you up, he brushed a few of your dusty scarlet locks away. Causing you to blush a little. Though you had no idea why, before when you two were close like this, you didn't mind. But now it was different, it felt a little too close. Like it did with Jellal.

That was it!

That was the day you decided, why chase a man you can never be with.

When you have the perfect one right in front of you?

{End of Erza's POV}

Welcome back everyone! I really hope you all enjoyed this story, even though it was really short. 😂 I was just getting ready for bed and I randomly got this idea in my head! Me and my weird ways.. Anyways I hope you enjoyed and I hope to see you in the next chapter, bye!

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