Wide Awake. Chpt. 30

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I awoke with Chloe in my arms. I stared at her for what felt like an eternity. Her eyes fluttered open and her gorgeous eyes met mine. "Good morning." She says.

"Well, actually it's nine... pm."

"Ohh... that means we slept all day... did I keep you up! Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" She starts to panic.

"No, no. Don't worry. I was exhausted too." I said with a thoughtful smile. She just looks up at me, smiles, and slides back into my arms.

"Daniel, you the best..." she whispers as she falls back asleep wrapped in my arms.

I rest my head onto hers and fall asleep as well.

I fell back asleep in Daniels arms considering it was night time now. I soon felt his head slide on top of mine and him slowly drift back asleep with me in his arms.

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