Twelve- "We can get Derry on Unsolved Mysteries."

Start from the beginning

The brunette girl stared at Ben's wall, and saw an interesting photo up on the wall. It was a group of people, apparently the original creators of Derry. In the group was a strange man in the background, that no one noticed. It was the clown.

"But it's like, one day everybody just woke up and left... The only clue was a trail of bloody clothes leading to the well house."

"Jesus, we can get Derry on Unsolved Mysteries." Richie exclaimed, smiling widely.

"Yes, let's do it. You're brilliant." Eddie replied.

As the group was occupied by Ben's creepy wall, Beverly snooped around the other side of the room

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As the group was occupied by Ben's creepy wall, Beverly snooped around the other side of the room. She closed Ben's door halfway to reveal a New Kidz on The Block poster, which made her smile. Ben turned to look at her and silently begged her not to say anything. She understood and moved the door back to the way it was.

"I don't know about you, but I think this is just weird." Stanley tried to start a conversation with Mia. He moved closer to the smaller girl, and realized she was still holding onto Eddie's hand. Had the two of them forgotten that they were holding hands? Or were they actually enjoying it? Stan wasn't sure, but he was sure that he felt a great deal of envy and jealousy.

"I don't know, maybe he's just trying to make some friends, Stanley." Richie whisper yelled. Apparently, Stanley wasn't good at being subtle, either.

"W-where was the well house?" Bill stuttered, holding some documents from Ben's desk in his hands.

"I don't know, somewhere in town I guess. Why?"

"Nothing," Bill concluded. He couldn't help but wonder if the well house and it's strange history had something to do with the missing kids.

Mia finally let go of Eddie's hand, walking towards Beverly on the other side of the room. She was actually intrigued by all of Ben's research, but she'd never admit that to the group. She was already the odd one out, she didn't also want to be a nerd.

"M-Mia?" Bill stuttered, in a hushed whisper. The Denbrough boy walked over to the smaller girl and stood next to her, the two of them staring up at the wall of news articles.

Stanley quietly made his way over in the same direction as Mia and Bill, trying to eavesdrop on the conversation. The Uris boy had never been much of an eavesdropper, but for some reason he needed to know what they were talking about.

The green-eyed girl peered up at Bill and raised her eyebrows, waiting for him to say something.

"I woke up and you were gone this morning."

"Right, sorry. I just needed some fresh air. Think over some things." She mumbled, her gaze falling back onto the wall.

"A-are you okay, though? You were pretty scared last night." Bill pressed her further.

"And you helped me feel better, so thank you. I'm fine now, so please just drop it." She dismissed the conversation, crossing her arms over her chest. She didn't want to get into a discussion about what had happened the night before. She knew that as soon as she opened her mouth to talk about her experience, she would start crying.

She was truly grateful for Bill's kindness, and she didn't want to be rude to him, but she saw no other way to make him leave her alone. All her life she'd followed the same protocol when she wanted to be on her own. Hurt their feelings and they'll stop bugging you.

As Bill turned to leave Mia's side, Stanley quickly retreated from his close proximity to the two of them. He'd heard the whole thing, and out of context, it sounded very heart-wrenching to him.

Mia had slept over at Bill's house, and had trusted him to comfort her when she needed it. Stan had told her that if she needed him, she could come by his house whenever she needed to. He was hurt that he was Mia's second choice.

That was the first day that Stan ever found himself resenting Mia Bowers. That was the first day of his imminent heartbreak.

A/N hey everyone, i'm maddie. hope u like this story as much as i like writing it. my twitter is @vancitytozier so follow me if u want updates or like reading sarcastic tweets about how annoying wyatt oleff is (jk ily wyatt)!!

i love reading comments so so much so if u wanna make my day comment on my book literally anywhere and i will have a smile for hours :)

do you guys have any questions for me? can be about the book or whatever else u feel like asking!

Control // It (2017) // Stanley UrisWhere stories live. Discover now