Broken Soul

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Zane POV

I traveled to the other dark void.  Their mind.  I saw a glimmer, no doubt it was the soul crystal.  I can't believe I was about to do this.  I was being scammed! Tears escaped my eye, " Sorry Aph."

Kawaii~Chan POV

I kept trying to pull my hand away from that demon.  His grip loosened and I finally pulled away.  He flinched and I thought that he might grab me again.  I swiftly scratches his cheek and it drew blood.

Zane POV

"Oww! Kawaii~Chan what was that for?!" I put my hand on it then pulled it away to see blood on it.
Nana stepped back, "How can we be sure it's you Zane," Nana and Garroth looked at me coldly.
"Tell me anything only Zane would know about me.  Anything!" Nana had tears in her eyes. 
I wanted to comfort her but how would I? Did I really have to tell her secret?
"What's my name?" Nana looked me directly in the eye.
"It's Nana," I smile, "Your name is Nana."
Nana raced over to me and gave me a tight hug.  I hugged back.

Garroth POV

Wait, what? Kawaii~Chan isn't Kawaii~Chan's real name?! Nana is?! And aww, she didn't tell anyone her name besides Zane, aww my shiiip!!!
Wait, are they seriously forgetting that we're not safe yet?!

Vlyad POV

No pulse.  Dad was, he was.  He's dead.  I was in to much shock about the past events that I forgot how to react to things.  I had to find Zane, Garroth and Kawaii~Chan.  I wasn't ready to be alone again.
I walked out of the room which was destroyed after all the fireballs being shot around.  That reminded me, Zane had powers.  Zach obviously wanted him dead, but why? What was going on? I almost died, yet Zane ran out with the others to escape Zach.
I hunched over trying to catch my breath.  I was to weak to walk out, but what other choice did I really have?
  I continued and looked down the hallway.  Somehow I could tell where they went, dusty footprints lead the way.

Zane POV

I saw Zach glaring at us forming a large green fireball in his hands.
"Nana get back," I said sternly. 
Zach was weak, I knew for a fact.  I nodded at Garroth and we both charged at him.  Garroth gave one punch and Zach disintegrated.  Garroth looked at me confused.
"While I was out, I smashed his soul crystal," I know they didn't understand what I just said but it didn't matter.  I'm sorry Aphmau, but your dad had to go, you're family and by association Zach was too.

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