"Are you ready?"

And the city started to disappear.

Saoirse started to scream. She realized she was the one disappearing.

And how did that old lady know her name?!


She woke up in a place smelling of chaos, horror, death and decay. Before screaming like mad, she decided to check her surroundings.

"It's a dream. It must be a dream. Either that, or I'm trapped in a Resident Evil game..."

A woman screamed. She ran towards the noise and stepped on something squishy. Someone was being gagged.

"Hey!" Saoirse called the attacker's attention. She wasn't going to let a sister be assaulted.

The woman was already dead by now, with her neck split open. The man was wearing a Fedora that obscured his face, a cloak and gloves.

And a huge, precise knife.

"Hooooly shite!" Saoirse exclaimed, and made a run for it.

What the fuck? What the fuck? was all her mind could process.

He was still on pursue and she tripped.

"Whore!" the man said, in a hoarse, scary voice.

"What the fuck!" Saoirse almost got paralyzed by shock. But then, she kicked him on the shin, stepped on his toes and kept running.

She ran till she felt her lungs burning. She had to call Agnes.

She read on a façade "London Hospital".


That mobile phone! That old bitch! What was she doing in London? And since when was London that foggy and dirty? 

Saoirse was not stupid. When she asked that to herself, she knew something was amiss. She was still running, when she fell to the hospital floor, exhausted.

"There's a killer out there! Did you know that?" she panted, in despair.

"Girl! Would you care to tell me why you're dressed like that?" an old, severe nurse inquired.

"Why, it was St. Patrick's Day in Ireland. My friend and I went to a bar and my mobile phone went insane."

Most people were staring at Saoirse as if she was insane. She cursed the moment she didn't change for a green tee and jeans.

"What year is it?" asked Saoirse.

"You don't want a lobotomy asking questions like that, do you?" the old nurse asked and everyone in the reception laughed.

Man, was she having a bad day.

"Look, old hag, if you don't tell me what year this is, I'm the one performing a lobotomy on you!"

The nurse stared at her, angrily.

"I'd take you to the Isolation Ward, but it is already occupied."

"What's happening here?" asked a male voice.

It was a man, a beautiful man, with two big blue eyes and a goatee.

"Mr. Treves, this girl... Is asking what year it is."

Treves never let anything shake him.

"Come with me."

Saoirse complied. She had no choice.


Saoirse told him her story and he sounded skeptical.

"I have the mobile with me."

"What is a 'mobile'?" asked Treves. "So do you think you come from another planet?"

"What? Are you all mad here? I come from Dublin! But suddenly I end up in London, with a maniac trying to kill me, just because of my mobile! Look!"

And she showed him the artifact. Then, on the screen, it appeared:

"May your friend know how to keep secrets, Saoirse. I forgot to instruct you, you are not supposed to show this to anyone."

Treves grabbed the mobile, enchanted.

"What is this? Is this a trick?"

"It's no trick!" Saoirse started to cry. "I told you! Damn it!"

"Language. Fine. Let's say I believe you. What will you have me do?"

"For starters, tell me the year!"


Lost in Time - Part 1Where stories live. Discover now