|Chapter 6| Invasions

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Your father had another patient just before he left, a women named Bianca, scared of being chopped in half they said. But she showed up unexpectedly later on and your father told you to be weary. Your father had gone a few days ago, he did it for work but he didn't seem to want to leave, worry in his eyes he told you not to let Tate around you again, that he crossed a line. Then your father just left. You became more cautious with Tate, you knew he came into your room overnights, what he did you didn't know but he did come. As for your mother she had become more paranoid, she was frantic in checking things constantly, and she was worried about you.
"(Y/N). Constance just came over, she made you this."Your mother smiled as she walked in sitting beside you, cupcake on table
"I don't feel like eating it"
"You know with your dad gone I was thinking we could have a little 'girl time'"She smiled sadly
"No thanks (M/N) I have things to do..."You looked down
"Alright (Y/N), I love you, don't do anything dangerous"Your mother smiled
Sitting the cupcake on the floor outside your door you hated yourself for doing so but you walked downstairs, confronting your mother.
"Mum. This baby isn't going to magically fix your marriage..."You looked down
"What do you mean (Y/N)?"
"Dad's just going to cheat again! This baby won't fix it!"
"(Y/N) please calm down-"
"It's not a lie."You pushed
"(Y/N)! This marriage will be okay, our family will be okay, I promise we'll all be the same soon enough."Your mother cried
"I'm sorry mum, but it won't, the baby's not going to fix anything, Dad's a lying bastard and you mum, your just weak!"You cried storming off

You sat in bed for a while, not too long but long enough, you heard chatter downstairs not too long after, but as it became louder and seemed more urgent you pulled yourself from your bed, walking down to your mother.
"(Y/N) where's your phone?"
"Upstairs why?" You looked at the door as a girl sobbed for attention
"(Y/N) go back up stairs, call the police"
You never got there as two women came in, Bianca and another girl, behind you skulked a man, the man that had scared them and guided them to the floor.
"Fiona, it's the real bowl! The bowl he used"
Bianca examined the ugly bowl smiling before handing it to her friend, Fiona.
"Perfect. Now, time to choose who will be our Maria?..."Fiona gestured a knife towards you, "and who will be our Gladys"
"Look we have money! Take anything-"
"We don't want your stupid money or positions shut up"Fiona snapped
"You should be our Gladys~"Bianca smiled, gun pointed at you
Fiona agreed, dragging you upstairs changing something you couldn't hear, the last you saw of your mother was that she was out cold, broken bowl on the floor.
Fiona had been left alone for a while as Bianca disappeared and that's when you saw his face, Tate stood behind Fiona.
"Get them to the basement, I'll save you!"
Tate turned around as Fiona pulled you into a bathtub, filling it with water. She let you change in privacy but you now wore a reproduction nurse outfit.
"Fiona I don't feel so good..."Bianca moaned in agony
"Of course your eating-"
"Hey! It was just sitting there!"Bianca snapped
"Just can I you know?"
"Not in here!!"Fiona screamed
"Go somewhere else and be quick..."
Bianca then left, Fiona checked her wrist and nodded to you, telling you to go into the bath tub.
"We need to drown you for exactly 3 minutes till you loose breath... Bianca! Hurry up!!"
"If you trying to copy R.Franklin you've got the wrong bath"You smiled
"Huh?! No I checked it, second floor bathroom-"
"We completely remodelled this bathroom, the bath tub is in the basement"
Fiona cursed beneath her breath.
"Take me to it!"

And so you did, you lead her to the basement.
"Fiona! Fiona!"
"Shut up Bianca!"
You only heard a faint scream but you continued pulling Fiona downstairs, guiding her the the room. Arms wrapped around your back and you found Tate's breath against your ear.
"Go now, your mother is okay, run with her"He whispered kissing your neck
He smiled as you snuck away leaving him to lead Fiona.
Then you ran, with your mother you ran at full speed shouting out for help with her.

Your father returned immediately snapping at you after an investigation. Yelling out about Tate's appearance.
"I told you to stay away from him!  How the hell did he get in?!"
"I don't know but I'm glad he was here, I'd rather him then you any day."

-Chapter 6-
Word count: 821
Date Written: 14-10-17

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