A Worried Ravenclaw Girlfriend

Start from the beginning

"Clodagh get her out of here, I'll talk to her later." Carolina muttered, Clodagh nodding.

She dragged her towards the direction of the Slytherin Common Room.

Carolina pinched her nose, sighing.

"I've been trying to tell her that you didn't put it in but she just won't listen! She's also upset that the minute Hufflepuff can have a chance to shine with Cedric competing-"

'Try not to worry about it Love, it doesn't matter." He mutters, brushing back her hair, which had turned into a mixture of red and orange to show her frustration.

"At least you're still on my side."

Her hair turned pink, a deep crimson flushing her cheeks.

"So, half of Ravenclaw's rooting for me while the other half despises me. Does a certain Ravenclaw have something to do with this?" he teased, causing her to smile, her hair turning back to its dark brown color.

"Maaaaybeee." She sang, giggling.

Harry laughed, kissing her head.

"To classes then Love?"

She nodded, smiling.

"To classes Amor."

They hooked arms, walking to their classes.


"Why do I have to go with you Harry? Isn't it just the Champions being interviewed?" Carolina groaned, her potions books in her arms.

Harry could never understand why Potions was one of her favorite classes but he just assumed it was because she excelled in all her classes.

"I don't know Love, Professor Dumbledore asked for the both of us." Harry muttered.

Apparently when they entered the room, a witch in magenta clothes looked up to see the couple.

Carolina's hair turned black and red from her emotion of 'Nope not happening'.

"La mierda." She cursed, and Harry, who has been around her since their first year picked up some Spanish, agreed.

"Shit indeed."

She stood next to Harry, sending glares at the woman who, Bagman called Rita Skeeter, who was staring at the couple.

"If I may, could I speak to Harry first? The youngest champion...to add a bit of color?"

Carolina's hair turned bright red, fists forming.

"Absolutely not!" she shrieked, a vein popping out her forehead.

"Ah, maybe the girlfriend wants to be interviewed?"



Carolina shot a look to Harry that screamed 'Help me!'.

"Of course she does!" Bagman says.

"Nunca dije esto." She spat, her teeth gritting, her Spanish accent showing strongly.

"Well then, follow me." Rita Skeeter says, dragging her away from Harry.

She shoots a terrified look to Harry who shared an exact imitation of her expression.


"So, you're a Mexican?"

Carolina's hair turned the brightest red anyone could see.

"Floridan-Colombian." She spat, a vein popping out in her forehead and neck.

"So, you're dating The Boy Who Lived,"

'Where is she going with this?' Carolina thought.

"You must be dating him for the popularity-"

And that hit the limit for Carolina.

"Listen here you blonde Barbie, I don't date or become friends with anyone who's into that date and ditch them thing. What Harry and I have is real, and I won't let ANYONE especially YOU tell us otherwise, I DON'T CARE WHO YOU ARE."

She stood up, her teeth clenching.

"Oh, by the way, you bet that this Hispanic, Floridan-Colombian 4th year is going to be cheering for Harry the loudest out of everyone when the first task takes place. After all, you're speaking to one of Ravenclaw's best chasers and you'll be speaking to Gryffindor's best seeker of our time. Our screams are louder than a caw of a raven and a roar of a lion. ADIOS."

She leaves the broomstick closet, storming back into the room where the Champions were.

Harry looked up, his face widening in shock when he saw her hair.

Carolina sent him an exasperated look, her hand rubbing her forehead.

"Oh Laeta..." he muttered, walking towards her, kissing her forehead.

"She thought I was only dating you for popularity...it made me so mad." She muttered.

"Harry! You're next!"

He sighed, running his hand through his hair.

This wasn't going to end well.


Just as he thought, it didn't go well.

She kept trying to twist his words and it didn't help that she kept bringing up his girlfriend.

When the newspaper arrived, he looked up to see Carolina reading the section about them.

Her hair turned in a frenzy of colors that he couldn't make out all of them.

She had her jaw set, her furious fire in her chocolate brown eyes screaming loud and clear.

She crumpled up the newspaper, furiously tearing it apart.

Her Ravenclaw friends rubbed her back as she hit her head on the table.

He looked over the newspaper.

The Mexican 13-year-old Ravenclaw girlfriend of Harry Potter clearly dating him for popularity-

He crumbled it up, not bothering to read the rest.

She had twisted their words up and made it seem like they didn't love each other.

He sighed, getting up and walking to the Ravenclaw table.

"May I borrow my girlfriend for a minute?"

The Ravenclaws surrounding her began to protest but Carolina already had gotten up, dragging Harry out The Great Hall.

When they were in an empty hallway, she kissed him furiously, pouring out her anger in that one kiss.

"Wow, you're really pissed." He says, breathless when they separated.

"Of course I am. Why does she think I'm using you? I love you!" she exclaims, exasperated.

He smiled at the Hispanic Ravenclaw, who sighed, pinching her nose.

"Whatever, what's done is done. We need to worry about the first tournament. I'll help you prepare."

"We aren't supposed to get help from friends or teachers."

"I'm neither. I'm your girlfriend."

He laughed, shaking his head.

She wasn't a Ravenclaw for nothing.

"You got me there."

She grins before pecking his lips again.

"Library. After lessons."

"Yes ma'am."

She giggled before skipping off, leaving Harry feeling like the luckiest guy in the world.

(And that's today's oneshot! Stay tuned! Bye my lovelies!)

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