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Her prison was somber and filthy, droplets of dirty water dripping on the walls and rolling down her skin. She wasn't repulsed, she was used to the dirt back at the bar she worked at, but she was certainly uncomfortable. Distant groans could be heard from the other inmates and it made her shiver. She was still confused about what brought her here, surely not a couple of lies could be a reason for her imprisonment? Ana had spent the past hour searching her mind, trying to find what she could have possibly done wrong to deserve this.

"Dinner." She heard a guard say before a metallic tray was shoved her way, the dungeon food smelling as disgusting as her surroundings. She huffed a sigh, rearranging the hay she was laying on to try to ease the discomfort, but there was no point.

"This is truly miles away from the lavish Golden life." Her head snapped up at the delicate voice, clear as light, and her face wrinkled in a frown when she saw a small hooded figure walk toward her gate.

"Who are you?" She stood up, wiping away the stains of mud from her jeans, and got closer to the silhouette. They pulled down their hood and Ana gasped as she recognized Grace standing in front of her. "What are you doing here? How did you even get to my cage?"

"I can be very persuasive when I want to." She smirked, voice set in a whisper not to attract any guards. "Anyway, I came here because I-I believe in you."

"What?" Anastasia's dubiety only grew. She felt so out of the loop.

"I believe that you're not responsible for the things you're being framed for."

"Framed? What?"

"See, that's exactly my point." Grace laughed. "You have no clue about what's happening."

"Please enlighten me then?" Ana pressed and Grace glance around her again, stepping closer to the gate.

"Someone is trying to ruin the wedding and has framed you. You're the number one suspect given your history with Madison."

"What? Why would I do that to her?"

Grace shrugged and continued. "And well, now that everyone knows you lied about your current life, you kinda lost credibility. So far, everything is linked to you."

"But..." Now that things were clearer, Anastasia felt absolutely gutted. She was being framed and treated in such awful ways, while she had been nothing but docile since she got there. She had no ill feelings towards the royal family, nor hate toward Madison. Those things were in the past, and she thought Madison would understand. But since she was being framed, of course the future princess wouldn't trust her anymore. "Why do you believe in me?"

Grace gave her a genuine smile, wrapping a hand around Ana's. "I sensed your honesty when you said you changed. I don't care that you lied about your life, it doesn't make you a criminal." Anastasia couldn't understand Grace's kindness, especially after everything she made her go through. "Plus, I have my own suspicion and I need you to help me."

"How? I'm stuck in this jail; I can't be of any help."

"Just answer my question. Your maid was given a note to change the flower delivery, and it messed up everything."

"Giselle? I never gave her a note. Why didn't she say it wasn't me?" Grace made a grimace and Ana knew it wasn't good.

"She kind of...ran away?"


"She can't be found, so people assumed you paid her off. With her disappearance, she can neither confirm or deny that it was you behind this."

Ever After  | Book 2 of the Selected SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now