Chapter Three

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"So umm... did your parents say anything know?" I ask randomly, and curious. Leah stops in he middle of climbing the tree and looks down at me. Then continues to climb and sits on a branch. I climb up the tree too and sit on a lower branch.

"They didn't even notice I was gone. Or that I came into the house all bloody and weak." She says with her voice muffled from the wind. Then looks down at the grass. Her hair covering her face.

"Oh, I'm sorry."'

"You know I might seem all strong and tough. But I get hurt easily, I just don't show it." She moves her hair from her face and looks out to randomness. Then I hear her sniffle. I climb up higher till I can reach her. I wrap my arms around her and she starts to cry even more. Soon enough I feel my shirt get wet again from her tears.

"Sorry." She says into my shirt. "I've made your shirt wet twice this month."

"I'm not so sure about what to say. I'm not experienced in this stuff." She giggles and wiggles out of my arms.

"That's okay." She wipes away the tears from her eyes. "I better get going, its getting dark."

"Yeah I gotta go too." I jump down to the ground and help Leah down from the tree. We wave bye to each other and walk on to different directions. Which way do I go? I turn around and jog up next to Leah.

"Do you know where Montgomery Street is?" I try to say taking in deep breaths. She looks at me in confusion.

"Do you know where Pearson Road is?" She asks me and we start laughing.

"I think we are both lost."

"Yeah. I have no idea as to which way I need to go."

"Me either." I sigh.

"What should we do?"

"Ask someone?" I shrug, then she starts walking to a small corner store. I follow her, desperate to get back home.

We walk up to the closed store. Leah stomps her foot on the ground and let's out a huge sigh. I knock on the door and see someone walk past. He ignores us. Leah knocks harder and the guy shows up again. We both pound on the door and point to lock on the door. He forcefully comes up to the door and points to the closed sign.

"We need help!" Leah yells at the guy. And he points to the stupid sign again. "Look dude! We are lost! It's dark and cold out here! All we are asking for is directions!" He rolls his eyes at us and unlocks the door, and opens it slightly. Just a crack. Air can barely get through.

"Where are you looking to go?" He asks.

"Montgomery Street."

"And Pearson Road."

"I don't have a clue as to where those are. Sorry." He says and closes the door.

"Can we at least use a phone?" I yell at the selfish guy. He opens the for and lets us in. Seeing as how the stupid dude acts, he probably stuck his tounge out at us behind our backs. I wish I can punch him in the face. I look over to Leah and she looks like she is about to punch him too.

"Here. Just don't take long." I roll my eyes and grab the old nasty phone. I dial my moms number and it rings. And rings... and rings... and rings.


"Mom!" I accidentally scream into the phone.

"Noah? Is that you?"

"Yes, mom. Can you come pick me up at this corner store in..." I look at a sign in front of me and see an address. "On umm Firth Street. Do you known where that is?"

"Yes. I'm going to need an explanation when I pick you up."

"Okay. I'll see you soon."

"See you soon Noah." I hang up the phone and give it to Leah. She shakes her head.

"I don't know if I should call. They'll get mad."

"I can just take you home."

"Will your mom mind?"

"I don't think so."

Leah GeorgeWhere stories live. Discover now