"I didn't do anything!" She defends.

"Ms. Vera! Please calm down and tell me the truth. I have examined the security camera video. You seem to have bothered Ms. Pond, who was probably on her way to class."

"It's her lunch period!" Rayne rises from her seat.

"And what about you? Is it your lunch or free period?" She sits back down. "Exactly. And what class are you going to?"

"Ms. Sanson," she pouts.

"And you, Ms. Pond? What class?"

"It's my lunch period, but I just preferred to go to the library to read."

"With an apple?"

"I was eating it on the way."

"Ms. Vera, why did you grab Ms. Pond by her backpack?" He turns from me to Rayne. She stays silent. "Well?"

"She was insulting me!" She gestures to me.

"Ms. Pond?" He tries to clarify.

"I was not."

"Then what, then, Ms. Pond, did you do to Ms. Vera to make her mad?"

"I was telling the truth." And that's the truth.

"What truth?"

"She wants kids with Forest Michaels," I say.

"I do not! You do. You guys are secretly doing it!" Rayne is beautiful, to be honest. She can be one of the prettiest, skinniest, most athletic juniors. Her personality, though, is so, may I say, ratchet. Cruel to those people too "ugly" to be on her social class.

"Oh," I say calmly, "so you stalk me and Forest? I should really acquire a restraining order."

"Yes, Ms. Vera. How would you know that Ms. Pond and Mr. Michaels are... having intimate time with each other in bed?" Mr. Scillon locks his fingers.

"I-I don't. I just assume--"

"You assume?" Mr. Scillon quirks an eyebrow. "What about you, Miss Pond? How do you know that Miss Vera 'wants kids' with Forest Michaels?"

"I overheard--not eavesdrop, overheard--in the locker room that she would love to get Forest from me. I don't even know what she's talking about. Four and I are just classmates." I try to not get Rittiny involved. Though, I did a terrible job of keeping Forest out of it. Hopefully supreme principal here takes my word for it.

"So, you two are fighting for a boy?" Scillon checks.

"I'm not," I defend. "She is."

"Well, if that's the deal... Please stop acting immature."

"I'm not acting immature! She is!" Rayne stands up, pointing to me, nearly hitting my face.

"I'm not."

"Yes, you are." She turns to me and I expect a slap. But she didn't.

"Who's being immature now?" I cross my arms, my head straight, my eyes looking at hers.

"Ughhh!!" I know she's pissed. I love it.

Mr. Scillon yells. "Ms. Vera, sit down and stop yelling!" The bell for 5th period rings but he keeps us.

"Mr. Scillon, should we go?" I ask.

"No. We are staying here to resolute this problem of yours. Now, Ms. Vera, why did you go by Ms. Pond's locker?"

"I wanted to talk to this fuck-up bitch."

"Ms. Vera! Do not use those words inside my office! And do not call names!" He calms down. "Ms. Pond, is this true?"

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